|ChApTeR FiFtY| The End

Start from the beginning

"So...that's a good thing. We can continue with our plans." Flavio stated.

"Actually..." I trailed off, grumbling to myself.

Gilen grabbed my arm, stopping me from pacing. "What is it?" He asked.

"The plan..just doesn't make sense anymore. It's too risky. I've already gained her trust. Plus, there's some sort of other force that's working against us. It's not just us and the 1ps anymore." I explained.

"Then what do you want to do?" Gilen's gaze leveled with mine. "You are our leader, after all."

"Whatever shall we do? We worked so hard to control ourselves around (Name), and now that poor dear is hurt somewhere in this mansion!"

When I didn't answer, Gilen glanced at me and sighed. "Luciano. Anything?"

I gulped. For once in my damn life, I didn't know what I wanted. Betray her trust? Blindly search for her and get nothing in return? Pursue our plan to get revenge on the 1ps?

"Nevermind, it's fine, I've got an idea." Gilen walked over to Lutz and Kuro, who were slumped against the wall, still unconscious. "Flavio stays with these two while you and I search for (Name)."

Huffing, my diva brother adjusted his blue scarf and frowned. "Why does it have to be me?"

"Because I don't want to deal with these idiots when they wake up. They'll just yell at me and go on another killing spree." Bending his knees, he flicked his finger against his brother's head. "Your annoying, stubborn attitude is better than my indifference and hatred of confrontation."

Flavio blinked and said, "I don't know whether to feel insulted or flattered."

"You'll figure it out." Gilen rolled his eyes and began to walk. "You coming, boss?"



|Reader's POV|

I awoke to the aching, hollow sound of nothingness.

Everything was a blinding white. I squinted and anxiously looked around. My panic did not rise solely due to the fact that I was unable to see anything at all, it was that my eyes felt incredibly irritated-the absence of color made them itching to recognize something beyond the vast emptiness surrounding me.

It was then that darkness pierced my vision.

Long, ebony hair billowed behind her straight back, tossing its flawless waves of pitch black into messy perfection. She reminded me of a knight without the armor; her posture was precise, her shoulders broad and she was well-built but lean at the same time. Her stern gaze cut through the monochrome like a paint brush against a blank canvas, leaving me absolutely breathless.

"Who are you?"

"I am but a shadow...yours, actually." The girl replied swiftly and without hesitation.

As she circled me, she let out soft giggles and smiled icily. Her every movement was airy and effortless, as if she were a fleeting ghost.

"That's how I shall unfortunately remain..."

A tense stillness fell upon her lips, echoing through the chilling, murky atmosphere between us.

"For now."

If alarms could sound in real life, this would be the time.

I'm joking, obviously, but in the moment I was honestly terrified. She couldn't be one of the countries, so then she isn't a 2p. I would've assumed she's a 2p, but unlike everyone else, she doesn't impulsively react with physical violence.

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now