|ChApTeR TwEnTy SiX| Refuge

450 22 11

(A/N: Get ready for a hella long chapter. That's all I've got to say.)

|Reader's POV|

>Japan, Germany, Italy and France Have Been Chosen<

>Battle Party Has Been Chosen<

"Japan, Germany, Italy, France, you're with me." I ordered, the four gathering around me, standing in front of the monster. "Ready?"

I received quiet nods all around. "Good." My sword materialized in my hand in a single flash of a bright, warm light. "Then let's do this." 

I readied my sword, then charging forward. I slashed at its left claw, which it swiftly dodged. Japan attacked at its right hand, getting a few hits in. It was much harder this time since I had to attack while clicking on moves since staying behind and just tapping at the air would be too obvious, there were too many witnesses. I tried to head toward its leg, but its arm kept blocking my way. 

"Fall back!" I yelled and we regroup off the side. "Japan, you continue attacking at its right arm. I'll attack its left. Germany, stand in between us and attack its stomach area, as well as cover up any holes of defense Japan and I miss. Italy, you cover him. France, while the Thing's distracted you sneak up behind him and attack its back. If either me or Japan take a hit, we're counting on you and Italy to heal us. Everyone got it?"

"Yeah!" The four cheered in sync, splitting up to their designated positions. 

I lunged towards the Oni's left arm, cleanly cutting off its claw. As its arm dived towards the ground in defeat, I hopped onto it and stood my ground. I lifted my blade into the air and stabbed it, the tip of the sword skewering its grey skin. I tugged it out and quickly jumped off its weakened arm. While I was catching my breath, the Thing suddenly knocked me over, pushing me towards the wall with its arm, ignoring the wound I had just inflicted upon it. It slammed me against the wall, crushing my whole body. I screamed in agony, falling onto the ground when the pressure subsided. Japan had sliced off the arm entirely. 

"(Name)! Are you alright?"

Pain severely swelled around my chest, tightening mercilessly. "I-I'm fine." I hissed out, feeling like I could barely breathe, much less talk. I grabbed Japan's arm and pulled myself up, gasping. "J-Japan! France..."

Japan left the right arm of the monster unfinished. Germany was doing his best to keep it at bay, but its arm was headed toward France, who was obliviously continuing to attack its back. Even though my body felt like it were on fire, I screamed and ran towards France. Realizing that I wasn't going to make it on time, I held my sword's hilt in one hand, reaching it back behind my head. I twisted my body to the side and pushed my arm forward, releasing my sword. It soared through the air and punctured the Oni's right arm. The monster roared mightily, attempting to shake off my sword. 

"Japan, go!"

He didn't need to be told twice. In a few long strides he was attacking the Thing's right arm along with Germany. Glowing sparks from Germany's whip combined with the silver slashes Japan perfectly executed made for a spectacular show of colors. 

"Bella? Can you hear me?" Ringing struck my eardrums so Italy's words came out muted, but I could see his lips moving. I subtly tapped on one of Italy's moves, 'Peperoncino', a red magic circle appearing in front of me. Energy and comfort instantly filled me up. "Better?"

I nodded. "Thank you, Italy." I was going to head back onto the battlefield when Italy pulled me back.

"You've done enough, (Name). Leave it to them."

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now