|ChApTeR ThiRtEEN| Savior

642 28 7

I paused, letting out a small breath to relax myself. My eyes were steadily trained on him, making sure not to falter even once. I bent my knees slightly.

"Honestly I don't know who the heck you are..."

I held out my hand, palm side up. A warm, reddish glow started to emit from my hand and after a single heartbeat, I closed my fingers around the hilt of my sword. I met his gaze calmly and confidently, raising the sharp blade towards him.

"But stay away from me and my friends."

"Ooh, feisty indeed. I like it." Luciano straightened up, flashing a smug grin when he dropped his hat back onto his head.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll like it when I stab this sword through your stomach." I bluntly stated with a sarcastic, bittersweet smile.

"I'm sure I will~"

He threw his knife into the air and I charged, slashing at him. He ducked, catching his knife and swiftly stepping forward, jabbing the tip at my chest. I pulled away just in time, readying myself. He attacked this time, shifting to the left before launching himself to the right, aiming for my side. Just the second his blade and my skin were about to connect, I sidestepped. I spun around so I was behind him and held the tip of my sword right to his neck.

"You're an interesting fighter, I must admit. And what might be your name?"

My grasp on my sword tightened and I eyed the back of his maroon head suspiciously. "What's it to you?"

"Oh, I'm genuinely curious. Don't get any...shady ideas, ragazza."

"...(Name). It's (Name)."

"A pretty name, mio caro." Luciano complimented. Before I could react, he ducked and flicked his wrist, throwing his knife, which collided with my sword and knocked it out of my hand. He grabbed my elbow and forearm, throwing me behind his back, sweeping me off my feet. When I slammed against the ground, he mercilessly twists my arm around in a painful way, pinning it to my back. He dropped to the ground, digging his knee into my other arm, making sure I couldn't move that one either. "Just as pretty as its owner~"

I gritted my teeth and remained still, reluctantly accepting my defeat.

"So ragazza, now that we're in comfortable positions, how about we have a little chat?"

"I hope that was sarcasm." I grumbled under my breath, taking a lot of effort just to speak.

"You better believe it. Anyway, how is my little 1p's savior doing?"

"S-Savior? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why, you, of course."

I frowned in confusion. I hated how he was toying with me like this. "What?"

"I see you don't know yet. I should've guessed. And grazie for freeing me, by the way~"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" I repeated, extremely frustrated.

There's silence for a few heartbeats before I felt his warm breath tickling my ear. "You'll know soon enough, bella~"


The pressure on my arm suddenly subsided, but unfortunately the searing numbness didn't go away. I didn't even have to look to see who screamed to know who it was.

"Italy-san, what happened?"

"Ja, are you alright, Italy?"

"Who the hell screamed? I was trying to sleep!"

"Be quiet, bruder!"

Even if I was on the ground, I could still hear Italy's heavy breathing. "Ve...I'm sorry everyone. I had a nightmare...that (Name) was being pinned on the ground by a man in a tan uniform that looked like m-(Name)?"

I heard the creaking of Japan's bed when he stood up. "(Name)! Where are y-"


And now I think my foot is numb, too. Thanks Japan.


I groaned, too tired to keep my neck up and eventually giving in, falling face first into the floor. "Ugh, please, just help me up."

When I was back standing on my feet, with the help of Prussia, I got swarmed by worried nations.

"I'm very sorry (Name). Please forgive me." Japan apologized frantically, bowing repeatedly.

"Frau, what in the world happened?" Though it was quite dark, I didn't have any trouble seeing Prussia's red eyes.

"Are you hurt, (Name)?" Germany asked, his voice calm but laced with concern.

All the while, a pair of amber eyes were quietly pinned on me.

I decided to address him first, "Italy? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"...I guess nightmares can come true."



"Crap-! I lost him!"

A muffled string of curses escaped my mouth. Well, nothing I could do about that. All I could do was look around and try to find him.

"The damn Prussia, going around doing reckless stuff..." I muttered, turning a corner and starting down a random hallway. 

Was that...?

I quickly spun on my heel, changing direction and heading towards the mysterious sound.



I had no idea Prussia could be as stubborn as me. 

"And that's final, (Name). Go to sleep, I've gotten enough rest for now."

I nodded sleepily, the exhaustion getting to me. "Fine...but-"

Prussia sighed, bending down and lifting me off my feet. I would've fought back, but I was too tired. He carefully dropped me onto the bed, wrapping me with a blanket like a burrito, preventing me from getting out. I wasn't even going to attempt to escape. 

Tooo tiredddd...

The last image I saw before I closed my eyes was the shadowy figure of Prussia.

And the last time I saw him when I opened my eyes was him being chased by an Oni.


The mysterious sounds didn't echo.



"Go ahead, my dear ragazza. Try be a savior to everyone...

But in reality, you can't save everyone,"

The ghostly figure of a lethal man bearing bittersweet magenta eyes spoke.



All he could think of was how he couldn't save her.

He began to vanish into nothingness, forever haunted by the curse of her sister.



The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon