|ChApTeR tHiRtY EiGhT| Saving Her (Part Three) (9K Reads)

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(A/N: Ha. So...uh. 6,000 words and I want to die. 

Four parts. Yeah, I'm making this four parts. Mostly because I want to update as much as possible, not hit you guys all at once with like 9,000 words. I'm not even kidding if I didn't separate it it would probably be 9,000 or even 10,000 words.

God okay I'm really sorry about not being able to publish so often. I promise you guys that I don't mean it, I just end up procrastinating. Once I finish this four part I might give myself a little break and then start writing more frequently.

So yeah I hope you enjoy as always and sorry if I rushed the ending I just really wanted to get this out haha)



She spun around. She tipped her head forward and began to fall toward my chest.

A smirk picking at her lips. Her blade's tip tilted towards my stomach.

Everything slowed down.

And the barrier shattered.


|England's POV|


I groggily pushed myself up, ultimately failing and falling back down. Pain prickled nonstop at every inch of my skin.

Canada's footsteps grew closer and he knelt down beside me. He helped push my battered body forward so I sat upright. "Are you okay? What did you do?!"



My fingertips slid into my palms, my balled fists trembling angrily. Every bone in my body ached, feeling like it was going to shatter at any second. "He's...in danger..."

"No, he's not. He's fine. China and America are with him, holding off (Name)."

This made me relax, only a little. I ducked my head and regained the steadiness in my breathing. "Alright. G-Good."

"Any luck with Romano's plan?"

"No luck. Russia and China gave it a try but it didn't work."

"I see." A crease burrowed between Canada's eyebrows as he thought critically. "Then I suppose we should-"

"Bring me to (Name)."

"What are you talking about? You already used too much magic, we have to get you to safety."

"I don't care!" I snapped. I forcefully heaved my body up, wrapping an arm around Canada's neck to support me. "I can't give up now, I have to do more. I've got to."

He gave a sigh. "Personally I think you've already done a lot...but I know you're not going to stop until I help you..." He tipped his head to the side to give it a second of thought, then looking back at me, the corner of his mouth rising. "So why not save you the trouble, eh?"

"Thank you."

Canada swung my numb arm around his shoulders and heaved me to my feet. I hobbled unsteadily through the loud, piercing battlefield. The more I moved, the more I was able to find the feeling in my nerves. The ringing in my ears subsided a bit. As soon I was able to get by on my own I let go of Canada. It was just at the right moment, I had realized, for Canada gave me a push on my back and I used his extra boost to dash to (Name).

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon