6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 1]

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(A/N: Surprise! Have a fantasy/medieval AU because I found this one so much more entertaining to write. It takes place in the medieval/middle ages time period. I hope you enjoy!)


"A ball?"

"Yes, yes did you not hear me the first time??"

"Um...yeah, totally. When did you say it was taking place again?"

Yao huffed as he swept a book lying on the ground into his hand, walking over to me and gently smacking the top of my head with it.

"Aiyah, Princess (Name)! If you're this airheaded, you're never going to get one of the suitors to marry you."

My jaw dropped. I stared in disbelief at Yao.

"You didn't listen to a single thing I said until you heard 'ball', hm?"

"...M-Maybe..." I chuckled and cleaned the tip of the feather I held, which was stained with dark purple ink, before setting it down onto my desk. I rose and walked over to Yao, folding my arms across my chest. "But I'm ready to listen."

"Good, because I'm not going to repeat this again." Yao made a 'tsk' sound with his tongue. He continued, "The ball will be hosted tonight. Eligible princes from all over the different kingdoms will come here to attempt to capture your heart. At the end of the night, you are to announce the prince you're going to marry."

"W-What?!" I exclaimed in complete shock. I covered my face with my hands, groaning loudly. I slid my palms off my cheeks and looked at Yao. "Are you serious? It's tonight?? Why wasn't I informed of this ball sooner?" I paced around the room and tapped a finger on my chin. I spun on my heel to face Yao, glaring daggers at him. "Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

"My apologies, but it's not my fault. Your Majesties planned it themselves. I wasn't told about the ball until now. I suppose the King and the Queen did take into account how close I am to you."

I sighed and pressed my back against the wall. "I see...I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright, princess. To be honest with you, I don't like this idea either. You're barely through with your training." Yao commented with his eyes narrowed.

I walked over to my bed and flopped back-first onto the velvety covers. "That's true. Having Mother and Father doing this behind my back is upsetting. I'm going to have to slave through a night knowing that I have to pick a future husband." I gagged and stuck out my tongue disgust. "Ugh. Just saying the word brings me displeasure. I hate it." I grabbed a pillow and sunk my chin into its softness. "I hate this lovey dovey stuff in general."

I looked up at Yao, a thoughtful expression on his face. He suddenly smiled. "How about I pay a little visit to Kiku? I'm sure he's almost finished with his lessons. Perhaps I'll return with some of your favorite rice balls?"

I grinned back at him. "You know me too well."

Yao respectfully dipped his head and slipped out the door, closing it behind him. That guy is just amazing. He's known as a 'Royal Adviser', a person who deals with trading/global affairs. He also manages and looks over the work of me, the king and the queen. He can also be called my personal assistant, but I'd rather just call him a close friend of mine.

I slipped out of my bed and slowly shook my head from side to side. "What would I do without you, Yao?"


The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن