|ChApTeR tHiRtY SiX| Saving Her (9K Reads)

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(A/N: I'm dead. Writing is harddd man >~<

Honestly I'm actually pretty dang satisfied with this chapter. Other than the fact that it took freaking forever because I kept procrastinating, it was pretty enjoyable to write. Sorry the fight scenes are absolute trash btw for some reason I was more in a deep mood than an action mood.

This took so long because 1-I was procrastinating, 2-writer's block found me and took me captive for a while, and 3-This is kind of like one of the climaxes to this book and I wanted it at least somewhat good.

So yep that's it, expect a part two to this and maybe a part three (not so likely though).

As always, I hope you enjoy~!)


The truth is, she didn't need to be saved; she just needed to feel loved and know that someone out there craved her attention.

-r.m. drake


The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire. Whether it's sparked by love, friendship, or passion, it is undeniably a compelling force.

There's this girl I know. I've only met her briefly, but that was enough to recognize her potential. She lived and breathed fire.

It surrounded and followed her every movement. Sometimes it could just be a simple spin of her heel, her hip jutting out and her hair whipping as swiftly as the crackle of a campfire. It could be witnessing her in combat, how she used all of her focus into skillfully wielding her blade. How fascinating it is to see how a phenomenon like her could be so deadly yet so graceful and captivating all at once.

Other times it was her features themselves. Her keen eyes, analyzing and interpreting your every move with the speed and accuracy of a bullet. Just as bewitching as one of her sincere, bright grins. Her sharp tongue is difficult to control, however, it can be considered an admirable trait of hers. When released at the right point in time, her words will sting, indeed, but sometimes pain is necessary to achieve the defeat of ignorance.

And when all three came into play all at once? She became irresistible, a blaze so breath-taking that all you could do was stare and get burned by the power and intenseness she possessed.

A girl like that is what you were missing. A girl with confidence, cleverness and talent. What you needed to get out of this godforsaken place is a new player. She doesn't even have to be aware of what is going to happen, for she will barrel through every obstacle that comes her way. Because that's what she is. A forest fire that cannot be stopped. She won't just lead the way to victory, she will pave the path herself. She will clear the way for those she cares for, consuming every obstacle with her own feisty, unique soul.

Her fire is sparked by those she loves, but when those riveting flames are doused by negativity and reduced to ashes...

Ashes, ashes,

You all will fall down.

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt