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This isn't a chapter, but please read this first before you continue on!

~About Reader~

I'm obviously not going to spoil everything, but I portray reader in this fanfic as a little awkward, sassy, sarcastic, happy and maybe just tiny bit of flirt and teasing/playfulness. During battle, but she could also be emotionless and blunt for reasons that you shall see. In battle she becomes a whole different person. You will learn about reader's backstory and how she got into the mansion in the first place throughout the story, for I wanted to make it more mysterious and not spoil it all in the prologue but it does give some hints! She is also a teenager, around 17-19 years old.

~About Names~
The 1p countries will called by their country names. I'm not gonna give you the list of their human names because one I'm lazy, two you all probably know by now and three the only time their human names will be mentioned is when they'll be signing that contract thing and I'll make it clear whose name is whose anyway.
On the other hand, the 2ps will be called by their human names (Because typing 2p! ___ is too much work for me >~<). Specifically this list (Note that you may call some by a different name, but I like these so yeah):

~2p! Italy-Luciano 

~2p! Japan-Kuro

~2p! Germany-Lutz

~2p! Prussia-Gilen 'Gil'

~2p! Romano-Flavio

~2p! Spain-Andres

~2p! America-Allen 'Al'

~2p! England-Oliver 'Ollie'

~2p! France-Francois

~2p! Canada-Matt

~2p! China-Wang Zao

~2p! Russia-Nikolai

~About Music and Fan Art~

I'll be showcasing fan art for almost every chapter and some HetaOni music that doesn't belong to me!

~About Fanfic~

So I depict a lot of scenes in HetaOni my own little way. Sometimes it's a headcanon that I want to expand on, sometimes I'll add scenes just to make it more angsty (I'm a very angsty writer btw so beware of the feels), and sometimes I change up scenes that are said to happen, but haven't really been shown.

Another thing is that the description doesn't tell you about everything that's gonna happen in the story, sometimes some things will happen and I just didn't want to add it there to make it just a little surprise~!

I will not be including accents! Sorry but German and Russian accents are hard for me to write hehe~ And since HetaOni never incorporated them in the first place I decided to make it easier for me and not include them as well.

The POV (Point Of View) will remain as Reader until it's been said otherwise.

There'll be quotes in the beginning in a lot of the chapters. After the quote, if a person's name is not mentioned or the quote isn't titled anonymous, the quote was created by me. Other than that I'll try my best to give credit to the correct people. If a quote you see was titled anonymous and you know who said the quote, just comment down below. 

Yup and that's it! Please enjoy~

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now