|ChApTeR tEN| Accept

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"Growth begins when we start to accept our own weakness."

-Jean Vanier

"Accepting help is its own kind of strength."

-Kiera Cass


|Reader's POV|

"(Name)...Are you really alright?"

"I think so. Why do you ask?" My hand fell and I glanced at Japan. His head was tilted towards where I had pointed to before. His expression remained as still and unreadable as ever.

"...There isn't anyone there."

"Huh?" Puzzled, I followed Japan's gaze and...

No one? What?!

I blankly stared at the pale grey wall, trying to ignore the fact that Japan was looking at me in the corner of my eye. "I...I really thought he was there. Really..." I sighed, burying my face in my sweaty palms. "I'm really gonna go crazy, Japan. I guess I'm just hallucinating." I mumbled through my fingers. "I truly felt his presence." I whispered to myself, finally slipping my hands off my cheeks. I stood up, my serious, stone cold eyes whisking towards Japan. "We should go and explore the other rooms." He flinched when my eyes cut through his like the rage of an icy storm. I turned away and slowly headed to the door.


The chilling way he said my name caused me to stop in my tracks. It was almost like a warning, a growl, which is a sound I would've never guessed could come out of a person like Japan.

"I don't appreciate it when people hold me back just because I show weakness."

"There's a difference between someone telling you something you aren't, and someone telling you something you can't admit you are."

"I don't appreciate you calling me crazy. I know I am Japan, I've accepted it."

"I never said that you were crazy, (Name), or that you were weak."

I'm saying that you're quite stubborn."

"Me? St...Stubborn...hm?..." I spun around and cringed when I saw his warm smile. That sickening smile did this weird thing where I actually felt calmer and I hated it. He actually had the nerve to smile after calling me stubborn.

"You're an interesting girl, (Name). And not so hard to figure out."

Now he had the nerve to compliment me. I clicked the tip of my tongue against the roof of my mouth, creating a 'tsk' sound.

"I very much do admire the bold way you talk and act, as well as your skill in battle. But I must say," He walked right over to me and lightly placed his hands on my shoulders. "I've noticed that you're awful at admitting to your fears and weaknesses. Especially to others. You just love to keep your pain to yourself. I'm right here, and still you choose to pretend to act strong. I would offer my help, but I wasn't sure if you needed it. Now I know. You just have troubling accepting help. I'm right here but you still decide to stubbornly act like nothing's wrong." Japan patted my head and gave me an angelic closed eye smile. "Please try your best to bite back your pride, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Accept that even a strong, skilled girl such as yourself needs a bit of help sometimes."

I stiffened. So many truths were smacking me in the face that I barely had any time to breathe. I winced, gulping down the bulge that began to make its way up my throat. I bit down hard on my bottom lip and collapsed in his chest, resting my chin on his shoulder to support myself.

"You have quite the way with words, don't you, Japan?"

"Hm, you can say that." I smiled weakly and pulled away, swiping my sleeve along my eyes. He chuckled and looked at me. "How about we look around for a bit and we can talk?"

"Yeah, that would be nice." I gave a weak smile as he held his arm out. "Wha...Oh, fine." I reluctantly laced my own arm along his and he lead me out the door and through the hallway.



He smiled, squeezing his lips together to stifle his laughter. "Aha, gomen, (Name). It's just a bit silly."

"I didn't know okay?! Don't judge me." I retorted in annoyance, pouting.

"I'm not. And yes, people speaking to you inside your head is a crazy thing to happen but that doesn't make you insane. Besides, I've seen crazier things in my days."

"Well...if you say so. Do you know why this is happening?"

"I'm not so sure, but I can guess that it is most likely magic related or something along those lines. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about magic." Japan looked deep in thought as he walked. I was observing the way his nose scrunched up and the lines on his forehead creased like an old man when he was pondering deeply when I saw his eyes lit up. The tips of his lips curved up just a bit and I watched, but after a while they didn't move another centimeter. I frowned a bit. "However, I do know someone that knows a lot about magic." We walked into a room and passed by more bookcases, nothing special really. "Actually we were supposed to meet in this mansion along with a few others but I don't know where they are...(Name) why are you looking at me like that?"

"Uh, sorry." I quickly looked forward, sweating from embarrassment. It was kinda like that feeling when you stare at something and drift off and then suddenly realize that that something was actually someone's face. Whoops. "Who's this someone you're talking about?"

"Oh, his name is Eng-"


I turned around so quickly my neck cracked. I had just walked in front of a bookcase and Japan had been right behind me, but I could see him through the spaces between the books.

The auburn hair topped off with a gravity defying curl, the bright brown eyes and the happy, almost goofy smile on his face that radiated warmth.

I stepped into view beside Japan, giving an awkward smile and an even more awkward wave.

His smile melted and faded away, his expression morphing into surprise, confusion and...caution? Huh? Why?


The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora