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I sigh loudly. Why the hell did he just kiss me? I'm more upset at the fact that he made me lose...that bastard. "Alright Kuro, You've won the bet now what do you want me to do?" Kuro sits back down on the floor.

"Fix me some food and bring me some chips before ya start," He says while turning back to his usual sleepy, bored self. I roll my eyes at his rudeness but I guess I have to oblige. I won't be a damn sore loser over this. I grab some chips from the pantry and toss them to Kuro. He catches the bag before it had the chance to hit him. I begin to feel a little disappointed, I wanted it to, at least, hit him.

I roll my eyes and then ask, "What do you want me to fix?"

"Anything, just make it good."


I decide to make grilled cheese since they're pretty easy to make and since we're starting to run out of food. I'll need to go to the store later today.


After we finished eating our grilled cheeses I cleaned up the house a bit. It became night when I went out to buy some groceries.

"Alright Kuro, since we're here you might as well tell me what you want," I say.

"I want chips," He says in his cat voice. "Okay." I walk into the chip aisle.

"So what chips do you want?"

"I'll get them myself," He says while poofing back into his human form. I'm kind of surprised that his lazy ass can actually stand on his own. But, I guess when it comes to food, he'll do anything.

"Well whenever you're done, come find me."

I start walking around and throwing needed groceries in my cart. Once I finish, I head to the front to go check out. I exit the store with the groceries in my hand and wait at the entrance for Kuro. A couple of minutes pass until he shows up with two bags full of snacks.

I sigh, "Glad you could make it Kuro now let's go." He nods and we start walking down the dark sidewalks that are only brightened by the street lights. The only sound that's heard around us is our footsteps and the noises of nature. I soon notice that between the sound of our footsteps that there was another added to the mix.

I turn my head to see a dark figure trailing, slowly, behind us. I nudge Kuro a little to catch his attention.


"There's someone following us," I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. Before Kuro gets to respond, the person's footsteps start to quicken. All of a sudden, I'm pushed to the ground while Kuro holding off...Hitoshi!

"What the hell, Hitoshi?!"

"Shut up bitch! You know I love you why can't just accept that?!" Kuro jumps away form Hitoshi and picks me up but before we could run away, Kuro falls down in pain.

"Kuro!" I turn around to glare at Hitoshi.

"You're coming with me, whether you like it or not!"

Hitoshi runs up to me and grabs my arm. I start struggling in his grip while Kuro sits there with a huge wound in his stomach. After a short while, my struggling starts to end from a pain in my neck. He drugged me.



Why will no one accept us? Why will no one accept me? Every place I go to for a job they all reject me and give a rude comment.

'A filthy person like you would never be able to work here.'

'Disgusting get out of my shop!'

'Aren't you a little too young, go find your parent's little girl'

It hurts being called rude names because of how you live. It pains me that my little sister has to live on the cold, dirty streets. We have no home, no parents, and no friends. No love.

I walk back to the alley that my sister and I stay at. She seems to be focused on something, but once I get closer I notice it's a someone.

"Who the hell are you and why are you talking to my sister?!" I run up to the person and push them away. After I do that, I pick up a semi-large shard of glass from off the ground. Nanami stands up and starts to speak.

"No stop (Y/n)! He's just trying to help."

"Don't believe him! Don't you remember one of the last times we tried to get help?!" I know she won't understand. She's only 9.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yell.

"I'm just here to help. I was walking around when I saw Nanami here crying."

"That's not what I asked! I want to know who the hell you are!"

"I'm Hitoshi." He starts to step a little closer to me will I firmly hold the piece of glass in my hand. Blood starts running down my arm.

"Nanami come here." She gets up and runs over to me. She hugs my stomach tightly.

"Please, I just want to help. You don't have to trust me. I promise that I mean no harm." He says calmly. "And if I did, I would've hurt Nanami already." I look down at Nanami and she looks up at me with pleading eyes.

I drop the glass and fall onto my hands and knees in acceptance. He rushes over to pick me up on his back and grabs Nanami's hand.

"I'll take you to my place." Those were the last words until my vision was clouded with darkness and my ears drowned by the sound of the rain.

Save Me Kuro (Kuro X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now