
1.9K 69 8

"Where am I?" I ask myself, slowly sitting up while my eyes adjust to the surroundings. 

'Hold on...'

 When realization finally hits me, I jump out of the foreign bed and run for the door. Before I get the chance to open it, the door bursts open, sending me to land on my butt. "Ouch," I whimper. I look up to see who sent me flying and my eyes slightly widen to see that guy. "Y-you're that guy!"  I start to back away as he slowly steps towards me. I look around the room for any kind of weapon to use. But of course, to my luck, there isn't one. Then, all of a sudden, he stops a few feet away from me. 

"You know kid."

"K-know what?"

"I only came in here to give you these," He says as he pulls a bag of chips and a juice from behind his back. I send him a confused look and he just flashes a...charming smile my way? "Why though?" He stood there, looking at me thoughtfully. Until he decided to answer, "Because I'm a nice person." Right now, his gestures are confusing me to the extreme. 'What the hell is wrong with him?' I think to myself.

"Where's Nanami?!"  I yell, jumping back up on my two feet. "Calm down. She-"

"No, don't tell me to calm down! Where's Nanami?!"

He sighs, "Follow me and here, take your snacks." I grab the snacks out of his hands and follow a few steps behind him cautiously. We walk in silence until we reach an average, dark brown, wooden door. "She's in there," he says gesturing towards the door. I quickly turn the knob and I'm immediately greeted by sunlight. Once my eyes focus, I see my little sister sitting on a bed while watching Tv. Her curious eyes shifts towards us. I run up to her, "Nanami! Are you okay? How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, I was just watching this show Mr. Hitoshi put on for me." I release Nanami and turn back around to face this Hitoshi guy. Tears start streaming down my face as I give off a genuine smile, "Thank you..."

"I wonder why I dreamt about that," I wearily state. "It was such a long time ago."

A/n- Hello beautiful readers! I just want to say thank you all for 1.8k reads! I honestly didn't think I would get that many. So, I just wanted to say thank all for the votes, reads and adding this story to your reading lists! I really appreciate it! 

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