Barcelona part 5

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After dinner Nick and Grace go to Nick and Anthony hotel room.
Anthony and Courtney to Grace and Courtney's hotel room.
With Grace and Nick.
Grace: how come you wanted to come here after dinner.
Nick: well I'm thinking there could be a first kiss between them and it would be awkward enough without us there.
Grace: your probably right.
Nick: also these are for you
Grace: flowers
Nick: yeah
Grace: I was talking to Courtney about our relationship earlier.
Nick: same except I was talking to Anthony he was being nosy and really in our business.
Grace: she was asking how far we've gone.
Nick: same I mean mind your business.
Grace: what did you tell him?
Nick: I said we just made out I mean it's the truth.
Grace: yeah so I have a question for you and can you be completely honest.
Nick: yeah of course.
Grace: you've had girlfriends before me have you ever you know.
Nick: are you asking if I'm a virgin?
Grace: yeah I just didn't want to pry I mean what you did before we were together or broken up was before I just want to know before I get serious with you.
Nick: yeah I'm a virgin I would ask you but I was your first kiss. Wait you said before we get serious does that mean you want to go all the way.
Grace: I don't know yet but I have been thinking about it I just wanted to know if you've done it yet.
Nick: whenever your ready I will be.
Grace: I love you
Nick: I love you too. Wanna make out till Anthony gets back.
Grace kisses Nick.
With Courtney and Anthony
Courtney: I'm so happy you finally asked me out.
Anthony: me too I really like you.
Courtney: I'm so happy Nick and Grace set us up.
Anthony: me too.
Outside Courtney and Grace's hotel room.
Courtney: I had a really good time tonight.
Anthony: me too.
Anthony leans in and kisses Courtney.
Courtney: wow
Anthony: I know good night Courtney.
Courtney: good night Anthony.
Anthony goes back to his room.
Nick and Grace are still kissing.
Anthony: wow next time put a sock on the door
Nick: we was only kissing
Grace: speaking of kissing you and Courtney.
Anthony: I don't kiss and tell.
Grace: you kissed.
Anthony: you know your my sort of my ex you shouldn't be this interested  in my love life.
Nick: okay I'll walk you to your room.
As Grace and Nick are walking.
Grace: are you okay you seem to have gone wired.
Nick: I was your first kiss and first love and my best friend was your first date crush and boyfriend.
Grace: he wasn't really my boyfriend I had two dates and one kiss with him.
Nick: one kiss?
Grace: when I was trying to chose between you and Anthony I know how I felt when we kissed but not Anthony so I just kissed him it wasn't a big kiss just a little one.
Nick: okay
Outside Grace and Courtney's room.
Grace: don't feel weird about this I'm in love with you and only and it's going to be like that forever.
Nick: me and you together forever.

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