Drive to New York

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Sam and Nick have been in the car for 6 hours.
Nick: why does the drive from Middleton to New York take forever we left the house at 7am and it's now 1pm and we're not nearly there
Sam: because it's a 17 hour drive.
Nick: why did you move us so far away in the first place it takes forever to get there I hate travelling.
Sam: look at it this way if I didn't move us to Middleton you never would of met Grace.
Nick: yeah I don't know what I would do without Grace she is my everything.
Sam: you are bit young to be thinking like that.
Nick: so your saying because we're young me and Grace won't last.
Sam: all I'm saying life isn't always a fairytale I mean look at me and your Mom we were together for 18 years and cheats on me.
Nick: me and Grace won't do that to each other that's the difference reason I didn't want to go with you to mom's she doesn't care for us all you do is fight and I wasn't happy for so long and you bring me back to New York.
Sam: all I meant was don't be expecting wedding bells.
Nick: I just want to enjoy my relationship.
Sam: does your mom know you have a girlfriend?
Nick: No it's none of her business.
Sam: that kiss between you two earlier was something.
Nick: I was getting two weeks worth of kisses.
Sam: you two seemed to be getting serious.
Nick: we have been on and off for about 8 months.
Sam: there's a McDonald's coming up did you want to get some lunch.
Nick: sure
Nick gets a table and puts his phone down and sam orders the food. 
Nick gets a text
(Text conversation)

  Nick gets a text(Text conversation)

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Sam: texting Grace Nick: yeah she said hi

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Sam: texting Grace
Nick: yeah she said hi.
Sam: I like the man she made you.
Nick: what do you mean?
Sam: your not the same kid you were when we moved and you became a good man for her I'm proud of you.
Nick: thanks dad you've never said that before.
Sam: if only she could get your grades up.
Sam and Nick laugh.
They finish up and get back in the car.
Nick and Grace start texting a few hours later nick texts her his battery is dying so he'll just text her when he get to his moms as it will be about 1am
Sam: what I was saying about you and Grace not lasting I didn't mean any of it I'm just unsure of what's going to happen in these two weeks your mom isn't my favourite person I think you make a great couple thanks dad.
Sam and Nick bond and arrive at nick's moms house and they are greeted by Linda (nicks mom) who has food for them Nick text grace and she calls him.
Over the phone
Nick: hey Grace
Grace hey
Nick: yeah I'm at my moms such a long car ride   And I bonded quite well with my dad.
Grace: can't believe you just go there it feels like you've been gone two weeks i want to see your face.
Nick: I'll face time you
Linda is sat next to Nick and sees grace on face time
Linda: your friend is so pretty.
Nick: actually mom she's my girlfriend
Linda: I didn't know you had a girlfriend my son has grown up so fast since he left.
Grace: you didn't tell your mom about me
Nick: I would of told her if I had saw her or spoken to her. I'll let you get some sleep you look tired goodnight.
Grace: goodnight
Nick: I love you
Grace: I love you too.
Linda: oh my god your first real relationship tell me everything.
Nick: I will tomorrow but right now I want sleep goodnight mom dad.
A/n hope you enjoyed remember to comment and vote going to start updating more

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