Grace's feelings part 4

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Courtney and grace are on the phone
Courtney: so he broke up with you?
Grace: yeah over things I said before we were together
Courtney: I have to go I'll talk to you later
Courtney goes to Nicks and knocks on the door
Nick: what do you want? All though I already have an idea
Courtney: how could you break up with Grace after everything you did to get her back.
Nick: I want her so much but she isn't the girl I want she is different we used to have so much fun together but now I don't even know I just can't continue dating a girl who is never going to trust me
Courtney: have you tried talking to her
Nick: I have but I just get angry and upset with her when I was with her before I was so happy.
Courtney leaves
Nick goes to Abigail's flower shop
Abigail sees Nick
Abigail: buying apology flowers for your girlfriend
Nick: yes but ex girlfriend I still want to be cool with her.
Abigail: do you really believe your exes
Nick: it feels over she doesn't trust me
Abigail: maybe you should give her a reason to trust you
Nick: what does that mean
Abigail: work it out
Nick buys the flowers and goes to grey house
Nick: hey Grace I got you some flowers to say sorry for getting angry at you earlier can we talk.
Grace: I'll make us tea
Grace and Nick sit down and start taking
Nick: I'm sorry for getting angry at you I shouldn't have
Grace: it's okay I mean couples fight
Nick: look me and you can't be a couple because you don't trust me
Grace: I'm scared
Nick: of what?
Grace: you have hurt me once already and I am scared your going to do it again it's a feeling I have
Nick: you need to ignore because I will never hurt you again I have said this over and over again
Grace: how can I be sure?
Nick: your just going to have to trust me on it
Grace: okay I trust you.
Nick and grace kiss and make up
End of these graces feeling chapter if you search hallmark good with the official website has a preview for the Halloween episode on October 22nd! So I excited but I didn't see any nave in the preview 😭👎

Nick and Grace true love book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon