Graces feelings part 3

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Graces POV the double date has been postponed due to mine and Nick's fight I mean that's all it is right he wasn't serious when he said it was pointless us getting back together.
Courtney: why and you Nick shading each other I thought you loved each other?
Grace: it's complicated
Courtney: explain I mean the double date was cancelled what is going on.
Grace: when me and Nick are alone I just want to cuddle and kiss him but in public I don't know what I feel and this necklace (Grace pulls it out of her pocket and shoes Courtney) it feel weird wearing it I feel scared.
Courtney: are you scared he's going to hurt you again?
Grace: Maybe I think I need to talk to Nick I'll go to his house after school.
After school Grace has gone to Nick's house he opens the door and sees Grace.
Nick: what are you doing here?
Grace: nice to see you too
Nick: I'm mad at you so I am not happy to see you I have done everything for you and you act like I'm still the jerk who moved here a few month ago.
Grace: I've never said that you were a jerk.
Nick: (starts getting angry and starts yelling and looks really upset like he is going to cry) yeah you did but you probably don't remember I do because of how much it hurt. You said I could never get a date with you called me rude and obnoxious you called me a jerk multiple times also accusing me of fake liking you just to be mean to him.
Grace: (also angry and yelling) yeah well you also called Amber cute so if we said everything we meant that night then you must think Amber is cute and maybe that's why you lied to me and kissed her and broke my heart
Nick: I have told you over and over again that Amber kissed me I didn't kiss back and I didn't tell you the rest because I thought you would get upset with me and you are. Also I called Amber cute for two reasons she said something dumb and I was thinking it's a good job your cute and second that whole date with Amber I was trying to make you jealous. I have done everything I can to show you I'm no longer that jerk but you just keep bringing Amber to avoid whatever it is with us trying to avoid and I'm sick off it. Grace I'm done
Grace: what do you mean your done? Are you breaking up with me.
Nick: I can't do this you just using this Amber thing against me I though when we got back together it would be like before but it's not and I just don't want to do this anymore.
Grace walks out
Nick sits on the couch with his head in his hands.
Does anyone know if there is a halloween episode of good witch in season 4, season 4 I need Nick and Grace together it isn't a want anymore I really want them to kiss and make up in the show anyone else agreee

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