Beach part 2

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Nick has his hands over Grace's eyes as he leads her to the candlelit picnic him and Courtney has set out.

Nick has his hands over Grace's eyes as he leads her to the candlelit picnic him and Courtney has set out

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Nick: open your eyes
Grace: oh my God Nick your amazing.
Nick: also good job Courtney brought spare clothes it's freezing.
Nick hands Grace

Grace: it is December

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Grace: it is December

Nick and grace change sit down and start eating and talking
Nick: I wanted to talk to you about something and I don't know how your going to react.
Grace: what is it?
Nick: during Christmas break I'm going back to New York my dad thinks we should spend it with my mom.
Grace: is that it your spending Christmas with your mom that isn't that bad.
Nick: I was thinking that this would be our first Christmas together and I'm in New York it doesn't bother you.
Grace: it would have been nice to spend Christmas with you but I'm happy you get to spend time with your mom.
Nick: thanks Grace your the best.
Grace: no the best is you.
Nick: we can sit here all day arguing who is the best or we can kiss.
Grace kisses Nick
Nick pulls away
Nick: I love you
Grace: I love you too
Nick: I don't know what I'm going to do with out you for 2 weeks.
Grace: just call me everyday
Nick: I won't be off the phone.

Thanks for being patient got some festive chapter coming hope you enjoyed please comment and vote

Nick and Grace true love book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora