“Because,” she turns around and smacks her ass, “I look damn good in this uniform.”

“You wish.” Smirks Ashton.

Charlotte gives Ashton the finger as she turns and runs down the bleachers.

Ashton phone rings as he pulls it out and reads a text message.

“Hey, I gotta run.” He says standing as he grabbed his books.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

He nods, “Dad car stopped on the way home, and he needs a jump.”

I nod, “Oh okay. Text me later?”

He nods, “Of course Banana.” Leaning he kisses my forehead and turns and walks off.

I watched him walk until he turned to his left after he got off the stairs. Picking back up the book I opened it to the page I left it at when I noticed a second that was highlighted. The sectioned talked about a Cherokee legend about two wolves,

One is evil, this wolf is angry, envious, filled with sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, quilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. Little thinks will set the fire in him off, anger controls him and he lets it.

The other is good, this wolf is joys, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, and it shows, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. He will fight when it is right to do so, and he will fight in the right way.

The legend talks about that in ever wolf that, the host suffers with a fight between the two. Whether to live as a protector, or to live as a killer. It talks about that the wolf to win will be the one that you feed.

As I’m reading I hear another whistle blow, but this time I don’t look up, I keep turning the pages. As I’m tuning out the world around me as I read, I notice the familiar sense of warmth.
“Do you ever get tired of reading, Pebbles?” ask Harry as sits down in front of me.

“Not really.” I smile as I look up from the book and at him.

His eyes we sparkling as he smiles at me, showing off his kissable dimple.

“Hi.” Was all he said.

“Hi.” I smile at him.

Raising his hand to my cheek, my eyes instantly closed as energy passed through his hand into me. Taking a deep breath I sighed against his hand.

It wasn’t as powerful and crazy as it was a week ago, it seemed like the more or longer that we touched was when the feeling would get overwhelming and the ground would shake and harsh winds would start up. Nick had a theory, he figured that it was because of the transferring energy, and he figured that it was throwing things around us off balanced. That honestly didn’t make sense to me when I first heard it.

As he thumb runs over the corner of my mouth he leans forward, so close that I could practically smell the mint off the gun he’d been chewing. Brushing his lips against mine as they automatically parted. As he pushed his lips to mine more I gasp as I felt the tip of his tongue on my lip.

“Break it up!”

Harry smiled against my lips as he pulls away and says, “Jealous much?

Liam came and sat across from us with Niall as he says, “I’m not for teasing, and I like to get in and fast if you catch my drift.”

I smiled shaking my head as I say, “Hey can I ask you guys a question?”

Harry looks at me as Niall nods.

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