"Oh! We came by because we were wanting to find you guys and ask you if you wanted to hang out this weekend. Eliza, Peggy, and I are going camping around Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey. It doesn't take too long to get there and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come." Angelica said, giving them a warm smile. "It'd be a nice way of saying welcome for Alex too. And it would give him a chance to get to know us and we could hang out and bond!" She chirped happily.

"I'm in!!!" Laurens cheerfully said, earning a nod from Lafayette and Mulligan. Alex sheepishly smiled as everyone looked at him. He glanced around, nervously chuckling.

"I mean... I have nothing better to do so... why not?" He said. They all cheerfully hooted and hollered.

"Then it's settled! We leave this Thursday since there are no classes Thursday or Friday. So we leave early Thursday morning, get there, settle in, and then we go from there. We can come back Sunday afternoon." Angelica said, making a note on her phone. "Alright, that was what we were wanting to pop in for. My sisters and I are going to get ready for this weekend. We'll see you guys later!" Angelica said, dragging her sisters off.

The guys finished up their food, Lafayette still staring at them in disgust, seeming to be ready to go.

"Well, we should start finding things to pack for this weekend, mes amies." Lafayette said, watching as the guys grabbed their trash and empty cups, getting up and throwing them away. He headed towards the door, leaning against the door.

"Wait, Lafayette! That door is push not-" Laurens started, stopping as Lafayette opened the door accidentally, falling backwards onto his ass.

"Fils de pute!" Lafayette swore out irritably as the guys contained their laughter. Multiple colorful French swears came from him. ALex's eyes widened as he turned red.

"O-oh my... Lafayette, that isn't appropriate language in public..." Alex chuckled slightly. Lafayette got up, glaring briefly at him.

"I keep forgetting you can understand me...... But anyway.. Let's get back to our dorm. It's Monday. When we have things picked out and packed up, we can discuss what classes ALexander has and if we have some with him, we can probably assist him." Lafayette suggested. They all nodded and left Dunkin Doughnuts and headed down the street and back to the college.

Within roughly fifteen minutes, they were back at the college. They loaded into the elevator, John pressing the button to their floor. They waited patiently as the elevator rose, stopping slowly and opening for them. They walked out, snickers and laughter coming from them. John was the first to arrive at their door, unlocking it for them and leading them in. He shut the door as the settled in, laughter filling the room. They all found some small carrying bags to bring with them.

-A Couple Hours Later-

The guys had their things packed up, flopping onto their beds. Alex sat in his, looking down only to see John slowly inch out from underneath, grinning. Alex's eyes widened, backing up so he didn't get pulled off his bed.

"Oh no! I know where this is going!" He laughed. John dramatically sighed and pouted.

"Dammit... Well I'll get ya one day... Now... what's your classes, Alex?" John asked, looking up at him.

"Oh.. Well..On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays my first class doesn't start til 7:15 and it ends at 8:15. History and Government. It's my first class. After that we have a weekly planning break from 8:15 to 9:00. Then I go to Math 101. That goes from 9:00 to 10:00. And then my final class on those days is Physics. 10:00 to 11:00. And then the rest of the day I'm free. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have an English and Writing class. That starts at 9:00 and goes to 10:30. And then after that, I have Dutch class from 11:00 to 12:00." Alex smiled, closing his book and looking at them.

"Ayyy! We have History and Physics together, Alex! And English and Dutch too!" John exclaimed. Lafayette tapped a finger to his chin.

"I have Math and Physics with him. And that's about it." Lafayette said.

"I have History with him and Laurens. And Physics." Mulligan said.

"So... I have History with Laurens and Mulligan... Math with Lafayette.... And Physics with all of you.." Alex smiled shyly. John nodded, smiling widely. He then stopped.

"Oh shit.... Jefferson is in History and Physics with us..." John said with a low growl. Alex cocked his head curiously.

"Jefferson?" He asked quizzically. John sighed, getting off of his bed, standing, and looking at Alex.

"He's a giant bag of dicks. And even I hate him." Laurens said. Lafayette snickered.

"And that is saying something, mon ami. You are the biggest, how you say.... Fag in this school." 

Mulligan snorted, flopping back and laughing. Laurens blushed furiously, flipping Lafayette off.

"Fuck off French Fry." He grumbled. Lafayette seemed to scowl and gag.

"That is an INSULT to me you walking, talking Pride Flag." Alex and Hercules were losing their collective shit, wheezing being heard from them. Alex stopped, looking at the time.

"Holy crap... It's already 11? Damn, time goes by fast." He chuckled, catching his breath. The others nodded. "Maybe we should get some sleep. It would be good for all of us." He suggested. The others yawned and agreed tiredly. They all burrowed into their blankets, John taking his shirt off and instantly falling asleep.

Alex stared up at the ceiling for a minute, smiling before falling asleep, happy with his new friends.


Starting on the third chapter now. I wanna get to the classes and Hamilton meeting Jefferson. Ohohohoh do I have some fun things planned! But yes! The casual conversations and such of these guys! I hope you enjoy! 

P.S. - If anyone notices any errors I have not, please message me, whether it be in the comment section or something. Thank you and have a night day/night! :)

EDIT: Added more spaces xD

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