Chapter 1

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-3rd Person POV-

Hamilton stood up, moving to the front of the bus as he prepared to get off. The bus came to a full halt as he gave the bus driver some money before stepping off. He sighed a breath of relief, his eyes widening at the large college that towered before him. He shakily breathed, collecting himself before continuing forward.

"Relax Alexander.... Nothing to get scared about... Just walk in....give them my name and info, and get my dorm number and key." He nervously walked into the college, seeing the front desk instantly. Sitting there was a tall girl, her hair dark and long and curly. She looked up, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh! You must be Alexander Hamilton!" She said, standing up and reaching her hand over to Hamilton to shake his hand. He stepped up, taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Angelica Schuyler. I am covering for the girl who usually sits here. Um, let me get Peggy. She can show you to your dorm."

-Alexander's POV-

I watched as she left, curiosity filling me at the name Peggy. I wondered if they could possibly be related. I shrugged, assuming I would find out soon. I looked around some more, taking in the sights of the main lobby and front desk area. It had a citrus smell to it, which I didn't mind. It was nice.

"Wait! HE'S HERE?!?!?!" Squealed an excited female voice. I jumped, not expecting that, looking over as Angelica lead a smaller girl over. Her skin was tan and she had curly hair like Angelica. "Hi! I'm Peggy Schuyler, Angelica's sister. It's a pleasure to meet you Alexander Hamilton." She said, putting her hand out for me to shake. I gently took it and shook it.

"Greetings. It's nice to meet you." I said, giving a shy smile. Peggy looked at Angelica then back at me. "So... my room?" I asked, feeling a bit odd for some reason. Peggy gasped and nervously laughed. She took the key from Angelica.

"Ah yes! Apologies Mr. Hamilton!" She chuckled slightly. I shook my head and smiled, holding up my hand.

"Please, Alex is fine." I gave a warm smile, allowing her to lead the way. "Show me the way, if you may." I politely said.

Peggy giggled and lead ahead of me, walking down a long hallway to the end where an elevator sat. We got in and she pressed a button, going to the second floor where my room must've been. It took a second, but the elevator stopped and we got out. I continued to follow her, taking a right turn and carrying on down the hallway. She slowed down and stopped at a door.

"I hope you don't mind your roomates. They're very nice though, so no need to worry. They can be a bit rambunctious but nothing bad, I promise." She said kindly. I nodded, my curiosity rising. She used the key and opened the door. My eyes instantly went wide at the sight of the room. On my left was two bunk beds connected to the wall. On top seemed to be a tan-colored man, his hair tied up in a man bun. He seemed to be wearing an.... Interesting shirt which read 'Fuck me, I'm French.' I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I directed my focus to the dark-skinned man below him, having a dark blue beanie and a thick long-sleeved navy blue shirt. "Hey guys! This is Alexander Hamilton! He's your new roommate." Peggy said, gently shoving me into the room. I yelped slightly.

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