Nalini leaned in closer with a mischievous smile.

"Is someone not listening? I guess that means no cookies for a certain someone, tonight..." she trailed off when Richard gasped and shook his head furiously.

"No! I-I'll listen! See?"

He turned his attention back to the sheet in front of him, his tongue out in concentration as he normally did.

"I'm writing, Miss!"

Unable to stop it, a large smile bloomed across her face.

"Good! Now I want you to write as many words as you remember from our last lesson."

Just as she said those words, a prickling sensation tickled her neck. She felt like she was being watched. Involuntarily, Nalini turned her head, only to see the Duke watching the scene with an emotion she couldn't really pinpoint.

He glanced at her, but looked away and at his son as if she was just a speck of dirt not worth looking at. Nalini didn't really mind. The fact that he had thanked her was still ringing through her mind. His looks scared her but she didn't care much - she wasn't really fond of the man anyway.

He was just like all the other men in the world - even in the century she was living in. As soon as Nalini looked away, from her peripheral vision, she watched as the Duke ordered something to a maid who scampered away. He then walked up the spiral staircase and down the hallway. Obviously from where she sat, she couldn't see anything but she could hear the gentle thud of the door shutting.

She felt the sudden urge to follow him but pushed it down.

No! Don't pry, Nalini. It isn't right.

She shook her head, looking back at Richard.

Whatever he was doing was none of her business.

He was giving her a job and saving her ultimately. There was no need to risk anything due to her curiosity.


Alastair grabbed an unused book from its equally unused shelf. Cracking it open, he analysed the creasing, yellowing pages of the book and slammed it shut. His fingers clenched the nose's bridge and he shut his eyes, tightly. 

He had had enough of everything. Even just...feeling was becoming too much of an effort. This library was pulling him into a deeper pit full of emptiness that he wanted to stay in. However, as the Duke, he could do no such thing. He had to get a grip and march on.

As he gazed around the room that was much larger than his entire bedroom, he chuckled a cold, gravelly sound. This place wasn't the most ideal for relaxation, he knew. Yet, it gave him an odd sense of comfort. 

It reminded him of Adelia. He let out a shuddering breath. It had been years since he stepped into this room. Alastair had vowed he would never do so.

Never torture him so. However, he always made his way back to this place. It was, conclusively, the only thing to remember her by. He had ordered most other things to be thrown out and given to other family members as he did not want to think of her any more than he had to.

The reason he ventured into the large, dark and empty room full of leather-clad and faded books was to ease his anger. He had wanted to beat something, or rather someone, but he could not. The mere thought of someone laying their hands on Richard caused his hands to twitch uncontrollably.

No, do not give in so easily, Alastair.

Calming his breath down, he reached out with a shaky hand and grabbed another book, holding it tightly. It was a way to distract his racing mind. A scowl adorned his face as Agnes clouded his thoughts. It was too big of a deal to simply push aside.

The Duke's Forbidden Lover (Forbidden #1)Where stories live. Discover now