Chapter 4: An Obsessive Louis

Start from the beginning

"You have the whole set?" she asked him.

"It's a good show," Louis yelled at her, defending himself.

"Isn't a children's show?"


"You're twenty."

"Twen-teen," he corrected, pushing past her.

They all wandered into the living room. Niall, Louis and Harry piled onto the couch in front of the TV, and Blake sat cross-legged in front of them. Zayn set up the movie before sitting down beside her.

About halfway through their first episode, Niall's stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry," he announced.

"You're always hungry, Ni," Louis replied, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"But we haven't even had lunch yet," Niall complained.

"Shush," Louis hushed him, still engrossed in the show.

"You know, Niall has a point," Harry said.

"You know what?" Louis reached for the remote, pausing the show. "Can you have this conversation somewhere else? Because some of us are trying to enjoy the genius that is Phineas and Ferb." He glared at Harry and Niall. The pair mumbled their apologies and Louis nodded in satisfaction. Niall's stomach growled once more in the silence that followed.

"Okay, can we please go get some food?" Niall begged.

"Fine," Harry said, standing up from his seat. "Me and Lou will go pick up something." He picked up his keys. "Come on, Boo."

"But I'm watching Phineas and Ferb," Louis protested. Harry gave him a look. "Please can I stay?" he pleaded, pouting.

Harry sighed. "Fine." He left the room.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna go with him," Niall said a moment later, following him out.

Louis heard the door slam shut and smiled. "And now back to our regularly scheduled programming," he said happily to himself, pressing play.

Blake laughed at Louis, rolling her eyes. "You're such a child," she teased.

"Shush," he snapped, eyes glued to the screen as Perry the Platypus fought the evil Dr.Doofenshmirtz.

Zayn pulled her closer. "One thing you should know," he whispered into her ear. "Don't mess with Louis when he's watching Phineas and Ferb." She laughed, snuggling into Zayn's side and watching the show.

They continued to watch for a while. Blake noticed that every episode had at least one song in it and Louis knew the words to every single song. And he made sure everyone knew that he did, belting out the lyrics at the top of his lungs. They were almost done with the episode where Phineas and Ferb turned their mom's car into a racecar when Harry and Niall returned with the food.

"Food!" Harry yelled, walking in with bags from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Blake and Zayn bolted to their side, starving. Louis, however, stayed behind. Harry walked up to him. "Louis? We brought food." Louis did not even noticed him, too focused on Phineas and Ferb's antics to hear him. "Come on, Lou.." Harry shook his shoulder. Louis looked up at him for a second.

"Ah, come on! It's almost done. Just three more minutes and I'll come. Just let me finish this episode!" he begged. Harry sighed.

"Fine." He walked away. He joined the other three, who were already scarfing down food, in the kitchen. Harry also picked up a plate and helped himself to some food, also very hungry. Soon they were all full. (Well, except Niall, but he is never full.)

"What took you so long?" Zayn asked them.

"We weren't that long," Harry replied. "Only like thirty minutes."

"Really? Well, I guess it just seems like a lot longer when you are stuck at home with an empty stomach and an obsessive Louis," Zayn commented and Blake laughed, nodding her head in agreement.

"Speaking of Louis, where is he?" Niall questioned.

Harry looked at the clock on the wall. "He said he'd be out in five," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I should've known better than to leave him alone with his Phineas and Ferb. He has a problem." He walked over to the living room where Louis was sitting, watching another episode of Phineas and Ferb. "Lou!" Harry scolded, grabbing the remote off the side table. "I thought I told you to turn it off."

"You did, but I'm sorry, Hazza. It's just so good." Harry sighed before clicking the off button. Louis let out a cry of protest.

"I'm sorry, Lou, but it's for your own good. I think you've had enough Phineas and Ferb for today." Louis frowned at him, but Harry crossed his arms, telling Louis that he wasn't going to let up. "Now get out there before Niall eats all of the food."

"Fine," Louis huffed, letting Harry lead him into the kitchen. "But I'm not even hungry." That was, of course, a lie. The second that Harry placed some chicken before him he shoved it into his mouth like he had not eaten in days.

"Geez, Louis," Zayn commented. "Slow down."

"Says the guy who is too scared to ask a girl out who is required by her job to say yes," Louis took time between bites to say. Zayn didn't have anything to say to that so he just kept his mouth shut.

"So what do we do now?" Niall asked.

"More Phineas and Ferb!" Louis said enthusiastically. Harry shot him a look and Louis frowned, slumping his shoulders. He looked up at Harry, pouting slightly. "Please, Hazz? Please, please, please, please." Harry shook his head but Louis didn't give up. "Pretty please with attractive women on top?" he begged. Harry's eyes immediately shot over to Blake before returning to Louis, hoping she hadn't noticed. Considering the scowl she was sending his way though, she had noticed. Harry sighed.

"Fine," he relented. Louis jumped out of his seat and pulled Harry into a hug.

"Thanks, Hazz. I knew I could count on you!" He looked to everyone else. "Wait till you see the one where they write a song!" And with that he skipped down the hall into the living room. The remaining four shared a look before shrugging and following him in.

So there we go! :) I love Phineas and Ferb. Is that a bad thing? Hope you enjoyed this. Next chapter we meet Danielle and Eleanor XD Fun, fun, fun. Vote/comment/fan. Love you! Oh, and there is Phineas and Ferb on the side. And the video is from it too. Come on, just imagine Louis singing and dancing along like the child he is. Oh, and one more thing, have any of you ever heard of Nanowrimo? Well if you have... Anyway, I'm going to be doing it this August again which means I will be focusing on my original story for the month for the most part. I have written a bit ahead a couple chapters that I will be posting periodically throughout August but if it seems like I've mysteriously disappeared or take too long, it's just I'm lost in the world of NanoNoveling. :) -Rocket xx

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