chapter thirty nine

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"I went to Yukhei's place before, and his mother asked whether I was still dating him, and without thinking, I said no. I SAID NO! Sicheng, what was I thinking? Ugh, I'm so annoying."

"You're not annoying, angel."

Yuta's heart fluttered and he didn't like it. "I am! Ugh, what if Yukhei thought we were on good terms? I ruined everything!"

"You didn't! Don't say that, you haven't ruined anything."

"Sicheng! Stop! You don't k-know anything. Yukhei and I were on good terms, and then I opened my big mouth and now it's over."

Sicheng didn't know what to say.

"W-Want me to come over?"

"...Please, baby."

"I'm on my way."

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