chapter thirty five

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"Yukhei?" Yuta asked, worriedly. Sicheng walked into the room, but Yuta just gave him a weak smile but motioned for him to go back out.

"Yuta? Surprised you picked up."

"What? Of course I did? I love you, Hei, what's wrong?"

"Why do you always call Sicheng baby bear?"

"It's a nickname I use for him, you're still my baby boy, Hei, don't worry. I'm not thinking of dating Sicheng. Honestly."

Yuta hated it when he and Yukhei fought, but it was bound to happen in a relationship.

"Really? Why don't you call Jaemin your angel then?"

"Jaemin?" Yuta laughed. "He's 16, that's why."

The line went silent. "Yuta, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you, I'm sorry for getting so mad. I just get jealous when you call Sicheng pet names, I-"

"Yukhei, angel, you're the only person I love."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, baby." Yuta said into the phone before saying, "I love you so much, okay? Please, don't forget that. I really, really adore you. I love you, my baby boy."

"I-I love you too, hun." Yukhei said, and Yuta wished him a good night before hanging up.

Sicheng, from the living room, heard their conversation and frowned.

Was he jealous? Of what? Did he want that? Yes, of course, but with who? Someone he loved, or Yuta?

Sicheng was confused, but Yuta hugged him from behind, and all of his worries went away as Yuta rested his head on Sicheng's shoulder.

"What's got you so down, baby bear?"

"I don't know, honestly. I guess...I miss being in a relationship."

Yuta nodded. "Yeah, I get that. I have this friend I met a week ago - his name's Jungwoo! You should speak to him."

"Oh? I might." Sicheng said, feeling his eyes close. "I'm quite tired, to be honest."

"Same, but the bed's nice and warm anyway."

And, like most nights, Sicheng and Yuta spent the night cuddled up to one another.

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