chapter thirty eight

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"I miss you, Sicheng. Where are you?"

"I'm working, Yuta." His voice called.

Yuta groaned. "Can you come back to the house for a bit? I need cuddles."

"Ask Yukhei," Sicheng bit his lip. "He's your boyfriend."

"Yeah, but-" Yuta sighed. "-He's also busy."

"So...ask him?"

"No, Sicheng."

"Why not?"

"I-I've never really cuddled Yukhei before, it's always been about s-sex and stuff, never cuddles or stuff like that. Sure, we've shared 'I love yous', but mine have been pretty empty recently."

"A-And why is that?"

"I don't love Yukhei anymore."


"I love someone else."


Sicheng gasped.


"Sicheng, I love someone else! I'm a freak! I love someone else behind my boyfriend's back, I'm such an awful person! Fuck!"

"Yuta, you're a lovely person. I really love you, Yuta, you're not an awful person."

"You're too kind, Chengie."

"No, I'm honest." Sicheng chuckled, "Either way, you're the person I love the most."

Yuta chuckled. "You know what, Sicheng?"


"I love you the most, too."

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