chapter fifty-nine

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When Yuta was sure that Sicheng was asleep, he rang Taeyong.

He was furious at the other boy,

he loved Sicheng so much and feared what Taeyong could say.

"Yuta! Hey! I've missed you. Last night was great."

"Nice try," Yuta snorted to himself, "Sicheng's not here. So, leave me and him the fuck alone, okay? I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I'm going to delete your number."

"You do that, and I'll tell him that you forcefully slept with me."


"You are fucking evil."

Taeyong laughed. "Not quite, I'm only mean to people that deserve it, Yuta."

Yuta laughed. "What? What have I ever done to you for you to threaten to split Sicheng and I apart? Leave us alone!"

"And what if I don't?"

"I'll file a restraining order. Leave me alone, please."

"Nobody will believe what you have to say, Yuta."

"Oh, do one, Yong. You're a lonely, smelly bastard. You're only like this because Doyoung broke up with you and your dick is sad. Leave me alone."

Taeyong didn't respond after that.

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