I raised my eyebrow and looked at her. As I thought about Ila's question, I was surprised to what my answer was.

I mean, I don't see her as a threat. What got me shocked was that I felt the need to make her happy after seeing her down. This was the second time this happened. I offered her a high paying job after I ruined her career and now she is driving Marcella's $300,000 car.

Instead of answering her question, I asked her the same, "Do you trust me?"

She looked at me, taking a moment to scan my eyes as if the answer was in them, "It's too early to tell. How do I not know that you are making me drive to my murder destination?"

Suddenly, the feeling of me wanting Ila to trust me appeared.

"I saved your life from Abel." I reasoned. "If I wanted you dead I would have let him kill you."

"Why don't you want me dead?" I asked. "You guys were doing fine without a doctor and now you need one?"

"You saved my life," I explained. "Besides, we could use some medical help. I wanted to repay you. So, I gave you this job."

"What a job!" Ila said sarcastically, "A job that can put me in prison. A job that I was forced to say yes in order for me not to have my brains blown into bits. I wouldn't have needed to if it weren't for you."

I frowned, "This is going to be better than that job in that uptight hospital. Being apart of a mafia as powerful as this one comes with many perks. You've seen the cars and the house. Don't lie to me saying that this isn't the best thing that happened to you. I brought you into a life of luxury."

"Okay," she agreed. "But I don't see freedom on the list."

"That comes with trust. Once I know for sure you aren't going to run to the police, you can go anywhere you'd like to." I promised.

"Well, in order for me not to go to the police," she defended, "I have to know for sure you aren't going to kill me."

Matteo went silent, thinking. Not sure if the conversation had ended, I decided to focus back on the road.

In my peripheral vision, I see Matteo shuffling around. Afraid that he'll snap at me again for being curious, I focused on driving.

As I made a turn, I felt something dropped into my lap. I quickly glanced down and jolted up. Matteo had removed his gun from the inside of his jacket and placed it in my lap.

"What are you doing?" I yelped.

"I can't kill you if I don't have a gun." Matteo shrugged.

"What if it accidentally went off in my lap, Matteo?" I yelled at him.

"The safety is on." He said, shrugging. Matteo adjusted his seat, making it horizontal. "Wake me up when we get into the city."

Although the gun terrified me, I thought of his sweet action. He wanted me to trust him. I looked at the passenger seat. Matteo was sleeping. He had his right arm over his eyes to shield the sunlight. I watched as his chest rise and fall slowly. He looked so peaceful.

As much as I enjoyed the view of Matteo sleeping, the sight of the empty vast of New York's upstates was beautiful. Five years of living in New York, not once have I drove to the upstates. Unlike the city, it was spacious, calming, and quiet. Once we got into the city, I took my own route to the destination. We got to the place with 10 minutes to spare.

"Matteo," I said. I took one hand off the wheel to gently shake him away. The hardness of his arm made me wonder if he was flexing in his sleep.

I stopped nudging him when he started moving to stretch. As he did, the bottom of his shirt lifted up, revealing his V line. Flustered, I looked away.

"We almost there," I said, after clearing my throat.

He only nodded as he messed with his hair which had moved as he slept. We were a street away from where the GPS said was our final location but Matteo told me to stop.

"Park here." He said, pointing at a space big enough for us between two cars.

"It's down the street though," I argued.

"Park here. I can walk the extra distance."

I did what Matteo told me and turned off the engine. He checked his hair in the mirror one last time and reached at my lap. He grabbed the gun but his hand grazed my upper thigh, causing me to shiver at his touch.

"It'll only take me a couple minutes." He said after pocketing his gun back into his jacket.

"Can I come with you?" I asked. I pushed the button to release my seat belt. As I did, Matteo grabbed it and buckled me in again.

"No." He sternly said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I said so," Matteo explained with an unreasonable answer.

I frowned as I watched Matteo get out of the car. Before shutting the door he said, "Ila."

"Yeah?" Had he changed his mind?

"I'm trusting you to stay in the car."

Please show much love <3

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