The Date

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"Oh, that is what you guys meant they are in love!" Rowan shouted jumping up and down. I blushed super hard and I started fidgeting." I finally looked at Draven and reddened instantly he was gazing at me so intently. "Anyway," I said trying not to stutter or do anything stupid. Odran stood up with a serious look on his face and said, " I think it would be best if we wait. We don't have enough proof to know for sure that it was Uncle. Tomorrow school starts and judging by the clock we should all be getting to bed." That night I peeked out of my room I was way too hyper from everything that happened to fall asleep. I looked over towards the living room to see Draven sitting on the couch with his computer. I blushed a bit and crept back to bed. Was this okay? Was it okay for me to have a crush on him? We had only known each other for like five weeks. I started writing in my journal until my eyelids grew heavy. I laid down and fell asleep.

When I woke up I got dressed and went downstairs to the smell of pancakes. Rowan happily worked away in the kitchen with a smile far too bright at 6:30 a.m. "Morning Rowan where are the others?" I asked with a yawn. "Blue went to the gym, Green went for a jog, Vio went to practice his archery, and Draven is in the shower. I nodded, "Well as long as they are all back in time for school they can do whatever they want." I walked outside to see what kind of say it was when I was greeted by a very unwelcome face. "Morning my Dear did you sleep well? Vaati asked pushing the door open and walking in. "Get out of my house!" I yelled as poor Rowan cowered behind me. "My dear cousin how are you. Come now isn't it about time you came home? He reaches out to grab Rowan's wrist but I slap his hand away. "He isn't going anywhere." "How exactly do you plan to stop me? They are all underage if you don't let them come back with me, I will simply have the police come for them later. Unless..." I knew I was going to hate myself for asking but I did anyway, "Unless?" He smiles at me and cups my chin. "Unless you my Dear agree to go on a date with me." I shuddered and force him to let go of my chin. "You are so cold my Dear but I will give you time to think about it. If either you or Rowan tells the others about this interaction the deal is off." He strides out the door after grabbing a pancake. I stomp my foot in frustration and look back at a quivering Rowan. A few tears started falling down his cheeks. "Oh Rowan everything is going to be okay, I promise." "I am so sorry Alana. If it wasn't for me Vaati wouldn't be bulling you. You shouldn't have to go on a date with him." I pat his head. "Oh, Red it's going to be fine, so what if I go on a date with him? I will hold him to his word and if he tries anything with me I'll punch him like before." He smiled and dried his tears just as Draven walked in drying his head with a towel. "Whats up," he asked? "Oh, nothing," I said blushing, he wasn't wearing a shirt. A few seconds later a sweaty Odran ran in followed by Vio who looked like he was figuring out the cure for cancer, not Geometry homework.

Blueford met us at school soon after and I would love to say that I didn't see Vaati again that day. But there he was waiting at my locker after the first period. I sighed and walked by him and to my locker without even looking at him. I flew open the locker to block his smug face and grabbed the books I needed. I was about to turn and walk away but he grabbed my arm. "You must be taking lessons from Violet because you are practically a statue. But you still have to give me an answer." "I accept your offer but only one date and we won't be leaving town. If you honor our agreement I promise not to cut off your legs, deal?" I held out my hand and instead of shaking it he kissed it. "Now you must treat this like a real date. I want to see you in something a bit tighter." I scowled at him, "No funny business on this date got it, or else you are a dead man." "You are so cold towards me. Why? Very well I accept your terms. See you tonight at four." He walked off again leaving me to think about everything that could go wrong. Suddenly I was scared.

I decided the best way for me to leave was to place a note on my door saying that I wasn't hungry and not to bother me for personal reasons. I told Rowan to keep them out of my room. Gazing into the mirror I still couldn't believe I was doing this. My dress was short so I wore leggings with it. I added a little makeup but I didn't want to look too good. I crawled out the window of my room minutes later. But not before I slipped a pocket knife onto my leggings.

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I walked a few blocks away from the house then texted him to tell him I was waiting for him. As soon as he pulled up I could tell first off he was driving a Ferrari with the roof down. An extremely expensive and nice car. Why was he rich? He got out of the car and looked me up and down. "Sigh I suppose you look good enough," as he said that he motioned for me to get in. I felt my face heat up in anger and I sat down next to him. He had his hair neatly combed and he was wearing a black shirt with a bleeding heart and a tan jacket along with blue skinny jeans. If it wasn't for his horrid personality he might actually look decent. He took me to a fancy little dinner and all he did was talk about himself while I pretended to fawn over him. I nearly threw up a few times. Oh well, at least the steak was good.

After the meal, we started walking out to the car. "Well I think our engagement has finally come to a close," I say as I begin opening the car door excited to get this over with. "Not quite Dear, I have one more thing to show you." He stepped closer to me and I tried to edge away. "Watch this," he said with a gleam in his eye. He held out his hand and a dark flame shot out from it. I watched in shock as the flame danced around. It seemed to edge closer to me. It swirled and danced around my head in a playful way. The more I looked at it the more I wanted to touch it. Did it just grow more? All I could see was that flame. It was beautiful. "Do you like it, Deary?" He asked as he put his arm around me. I nodded my tongue suddenly stopped working. "Here then you can have it. He said kissing the back of my neck as he pressed the flame into my chest. At first, I felt nothing but a warmth filling my body. It was wonderful and I felt myself stare into Vaati's eyes longing for more. Suddenly my knees gave out underneath me. The flames shot up all around me. They surrounded me in a hot horrible heat. It was chocking me and everything around me disappeared. I tried to scream but he was there covering my mouth. "Now it is time for you to sleep, my dear. I fall back onto the ground watching as he picked me up and set me in the car. The colors of the world swirled around me. What was happening to me? Was the last thought I had before the flame-encircled my mind.

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