The "Happy" Accidents

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The song Stronger plays in my headphones as I clean up the mud that Rowan brought in with some flowers he picked for me. He is such a child but the flowers were a sweet gesture. Vio was as usual hiding away in his room reading and Odran was out looking for a job. Bluford was at the gym learning how to box and stuff like that. Draven was missing and that was never a good thing. 

"I'm sorry about the mess Alana. It won't happen again promise!" "Don't make promises you can't keep Red." Rowan walked out of the room towards the kitchen still pouting. Sigh, maybe this was a mistake. "Dang, it Alana!" You are too nice, too naive. You actually thought you could pull this off? What if your parents find out you have five random guys in your apartment? They won't I don't have to live with them much longer just until they get jobs to pay for there own apartment. "BOO!" I yelp and jump back tripping and falling on my butt. "Hahaha, you should have seen your face! Oh, wait you can!" "DRAVEN!" I yelled at him as he showed me the picture on his phone. "Ugh! I can kick you guys out anytime I want to!" Vio walks downstairs and looks a bit surprised to see me on the floor with mud on my hands and a laughing Shadow standing over me. "Do I dare ask what is going on here," Vio asks as he walks over and helps me up. "Oh, come on Vi it was just a prank, but Alana can't take a joke and wants to throw us out." "Shadow you need to learn the quote don't slap the hands that feed you. Vio replies calmly he then turns to me and says, "Also legally it would be very difficult to kick us out. After all, you invited us in." I clenched my jaw but couldn't think of any come back to what he said. "Well, I have better things to do come on Shadow leave Alana alone." Man, I was really beginning to regret my decision. If only I could go back and tell myself not to let them in.

(Two weeks ago)

Here we go! I am finally moved in! I shout as I put away the last of my dishes. My apartment was very small it had a kitchen the size of a closet and a living room only about twice that size. It had a very small bathroom and bedroom. And in the living room, I had sliding glass doors that lead out to a small porch and garden. Sure it was cramped but it was perfect for me. I pulled out my computer and set it up on the desk and started making myself a schedule for my classes that would start tomorrow. I also had to do some job hunting maybe I could get an on-campus job. The reason I didn't want to live on campus even though they have dorms is one: they are more expensive than my apartment and two: roommates. I didn't really have much experience with friends and I am super awkward around people sometimes. I don't think I could take it if my roommate hated me.

 The next morning I woke up and prepared myself for social situations and told myself I would act the part of a normal person. I walked out the door and walked to my high school. My anxiety began to build and I took a few deep breaths before walking through the gate. I looked around at the crowded hallways and made my way through doing my best not to bump into anyone. I did anyway or at least they bumped into me. They hit me super hard and I looked up to see a guy in a purple hoodie with orange flames. I get up and mumble that I am sorry and try to move past him. He grabs me and spins me around. "You think sorry is going to cut it?" "Look man I don't want any trouble besides it was your fault." "Say that again?" As he said that his grip tightens on my arm. I look him in the eye and say, "I said that it was your fault and let me go." With that, he shoves me firmly against the locker. Enough is enough I grab his arm and dig my nails into his skin. He tries to grab my hand to pry my arm off but with my left arm, I punch him in the stomach. He fell on the ground and I walked away through the crowd. 

That was a bad way to start out my first day in a new school but I didn't care my face was red with anger. "Hey!" a voice calls to me. I wasn't about to turn around because I thought it might be that guy again. The sound of running footsteps behind me signal the person was close. I don't break into a run that would signal that I was afraid of him instead I turn to face him. To my surprise, it wasn't that jerkish guy it was a younger boy with a bright red shirt and blond hair. "Sup," I said hoping he was actually after me and not someone else. "Hi my name is Rowan and I wanted to apologize for my cousin." "Hi, my name is Alana and who is your cousin?" "They guy you punched." "Why do you want to apologize you didn't do anything wrong?" "Yeah but I still felt bad and you are new here so I thought that you might want a friend." "Uhh thank you." "So do you need help finding your classroom because everyone else is already heading to theirs." "Yes please," I said after I noticed the slowly emptying hallways. We talked a bit and he led me to a classroom door and knocked on it. "You are in the same class as two of my brothers. Isn't that great?!" "As long as they aren't like your cousin then yes." I walk into the class after waving bye to Rowan I notice two boys who look quite a lot like he did. I shrug and go and sit on my seat. That is where I made a mistake.

To be continued...

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