A Dark Blush

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Bluford smacked Rowan on the back of his head yelling, "Don't say it like that!" As for me, I was speechless how exactly does one respond to that. I guess I had my mouth open because Draven started laughing and said, "Look I think we broke her!" He then snapped a picture and I glared at him crossly. "Why exactly do you have to stay at my house?" No one offered me an answer. I sighed and then said, "I am going to assume that it is for a very very good reason. Because if it's not you are all getting kicked to the curb." They all look at each other and nod. "Fine you guys can stay at my house but it's really small and..." Before I could say anything else Rowan tackled me in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Alright, get off me!" After they all thanked me we all started walking to my house. "It will be a snug fit but some of you can sleep on the couches while the others can sleep on some extra pillows." I was right the house was a very tight fit but somehow we made it work. I tried to find out why they had to stay with me but not even Rowan would spill that secret.

There you have it. Those are the events until the present day. At least Green is being helpful while looking for a job. I know Vio already has one but if they want to rent an apartment they are going to have to start working on it. Not like I have much time to think about it. I have school and then right after that, I have work my job ends at midnight and I don't usually have time to eat. I came home quietly the lights were all out and I snuck into the kitchen. I grabbed some of the leftovers Red left me and heated them up. I sighed watching my food cook. I was tired and bored I look down at my phone and think about texting someone. Until I remember there was no one for me to text. Sighing again I grab my food and tiptoe to my room. I only really spend time with the guys during school I don't even really know them. I am basically letting five random teenage guys stay in my house and eat my food. I walk upstairs to eat my food so not to wake anyone up.

I hear a quiet knock on my door and get up to open it. To my surprise it's Draven he stands there awkwardly for a sec and then asks, "You wanna talk or something?" "Sure," we both go and sit on my bed. I don't really know what to say so I start eating. Draven stares at me then smiles. I felt uncomfortable and asked, "What?" "You are like Vio in a weird way." "Umm, how?" He stands up on my bed and says, "Let me count the ways, you prefer to be alone and with your books. Instead of starting a conversation you prefer to finish it. You both like the colors purple and you both make eye contact with people when talking. You both have the same annoyed glare. Etc, etc, etc." "So what, I am like the others in a few ways to." "Alright, how are you like me?" "Hmm, I like to sometimes test people like you do. I like to see how far I could push something or someone. I don't give up or into force. I have a pretty good understanding of the darker side of life but I still stay away from it. I try to protect others from the pain I have faced. I don't show my true colors with just any pretty face. The list goes on." "Wait what was that last one?" "Oh when I first met you, you acted like a flirt. I can understand that I try not show everyone my true personality at first either." "Who said I was acting?" I look up at him his eyes were staring so deep into my own. How... how should I react? He was edging closer to me! What do I do? Is... is he going to kiss me? I felt my face heat up and my lip quiver. He got closer and whispered in my ear, "Your mine now." "W-what d-do you! How dare you! Why would you? Ugh!" "Your cute when you're mad. He caressed my cheek with his hand. You can be mine if you want to be, I just wanted to see your reaction." I glare at him and call him a jerk. He laughs at me and then shows me some of his weird abilities like turning into a shadow. We hung out for for a while till I asked, "So why did you ask me about Vio anyway?" He looked at me and blushed a little, "Well I thought that of all of the guys you would probably fall for him because of how alike you two were." "So you thought I wouldn't except you because you were different than me?" "No, I mean yes. I don't know." "Look who is all tongue tied now? Mr. Slick has now drowned in his own sweat." He jumps up and says, "Yeah you got me but I will get you back." He winks at me before leaving. "Wait what does that mean," I hiss at him? "You'll find out soon enough," and with that, he slipped back into the shadows. I sigh in frustration and then it dawned on me. Did we like each other now!??? Sleep grips me and I finally slip into slumber.

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