An Apology Worth Waiting For

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We walked out the door and started searching. Vio and I split up he said he knew where Rowan was and I had a pretty good hunch as to where Bluford was. I had already texted all of them like ten times and there was no good reason as to why they weren't answering. Well maybe Draven had a good reason, I felt so guilty. I walk into the gym and look around, sure enough, I see Blueford climbing up the rock wall. Ugh, I felt sick just looking up at it. I shouted up to him and he looked down at me before rolling his eyes and climbing down. "Didn't you get my texts! I was worried!" Blueford looked at me crossly and said, " I had my phone on silent so I could concentrate without people like you bugging me. Why should you be worried?" "Tell you later anyway do you know where Ordan went?" "I think he went for a run on the beach he likes running around like a wimp. He probably doesn't have a good signal out there," he said in a voice that showed no concern at all. Ugh, this guy is frustrating. "Listen, Bluford, something came up and I need you to be careful okay." For the first time, he looked me in the eyes. "You are serious aren't you? Darn it! Fine I will go and grab him you stay safe," he yells over his shoulder walking out of the door. I can't help but smile I guess he had a heart after all.

I call Vio to ask him if he knew where Draven was. "Hello?" "Hey, Vi can you give me a hint to Draven's..." Before I could say anything else I heard another voice near the phone then Vio's angry voice Rowan cried something; the phone then proceeded to go silent, he had hung up. I rushed out the door towards the park. When I got there I saw Rowan on the ground with a kick mark on his face and a few tears in his eyes. Never the less I have never seen him so mad. Vio on the hand had two other guys next to him shoving him with their fingers. He was standing in front of Rowan but why wasn't he saying anything? My anger burned and I approached them. "Hey, jerks leave him alone!" They whirled around just in time me to punch one guy in the gut. "Don't you dare touch them again," I yelled at them while giving a threatening look!" Vio looked surprised and he intervened between me and the larger teen boy. The boy delivered a punch Vio face and in response, Rowan literally jumped on top of the guy's shoulders; hitting the guy in the back of the neck and causing him to fall unconscious. Vio lept on top of the man I had punched and pinned his arm behind his back. "Vio! Are you okay?" I looked him over the guy had punched him hard enough for his cheek to start swelling. "I'm fine don't worry," he said smiling a bit. I nodded, okay time to get home hopefully everyone else is there too. We walked back home Vio didn't say anything and neither did Rowan which was strangely unsettling. I tried to make small talk but I gave up considering I sucked at it too. When we approached the front yard they continued walking but I stopped to look around. "Is there something wrong Alana?" "No, it's nothing Rowan I will explain later let's just get inside."

When we walked through the front door I let out the air I had been holding in. Odran came up to be with a slightly frantic look on his face."Alana! Are you okay? Vio texted me that you guys got into a fight! Blue and I were about to come after you when you said that you were coming back." I was about to answer when Vio came out from behind me. "I assure you we are all fine. We settled the manner." His face had started to swell. "Oh Vio hang on that must hurt." I went to the fridge and grabbed some ice packs and handed one to him and Rowan. "You have my gratitude Alana now if you will all excuse me I am going to read for a while." Rowan looked sadly over at Vio before whispering, "The reason he is so out of it is because Shadow left to go to a party or something and then after whatever you told him I guess he is super worried." I nodded poor Vio. Dang, it! You are so dense Draven! Get back here so that Green doesn't start a search party for you and Vio doesn't have a panic attack. After explaining the phone call and the fact that I knew about their Uncle they all took some time to ponder what might go down without telling me. Making me assume the absolute worst situations in my head.

Draven barged through the door with his face full of fatigue along with the fact that he was breathing heavily made me fear the worst. Instantly everyone but me and Vio crowded around him. He seemed to drop his frantic appearance as soon as Rowan and Odran swarmed him to make sure that he was alright. Even Bluford slapped him on the back and expressed the fact that he was relieved that Draven was back. I glanced at Vio's face and I could see his concern fade into anger. I hated to admit that even though I wanted to say that I was sorry seeing him here made me mad again. Vio swiftly walked over to him and grabbed him by the arm dragging him to the living room where I was standing. "What do you think you are doing? You left without telling anyone! I went looking for you and I couldn't find a single trace of you anywhere! Then I returned hoping you were here only to find out that Uncle may have discovered that we were hiding out here. I-I feared the worst!" I had never seen Vio break like that before I almost thought that for a second I could see his eyes water a bit. Instead of making up an excuse or mumbling a sorry like I thought Draven would do he hugged Vio tightly around the neck. Before you could blink Rowan was in the hug too pulling Bluford along with him. Odran dragged me into the hug as well and I heard Rowan sniffle and cry a bit. I then heard Draven mumble, "I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Please... I am so sorry." The hug broke apart only for me to find myself standing face to face with him. "Listen Draven I overreacted I should have never blown up at you..." That was all I got out before he smashed his lips up against mine. With that kiss, my fears melted away but only momentarily.

Another World Another TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora