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"If you touch any one of us," Niyah said, "You will find more trouble than you will know what to do with

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"If you touch any one of us," Niyah said, "You will find more trouble than you will know what to do with."

"Niyah, please," Obi cried.

The stampede paused at once.

"This is your final chance to explain yourself, citizen," the officer said.

"Who will tend to the crops your post needs to survive. Who will explain why you have to relocate because there isn't enough food for your men to stay. It will be you who will have to tend to the crops. If you can at all. It is you who will be terminated. "

I had never seen someone talk to an Ally like this. Niyah couldn't make it of this alive. Could she? There was a gut-clenching silence below. I lowered my ears to hear more even if it was just a whisper.

"What do you suppose we do?" the Officer finally said, his steely voice softened.

"Leave here, and let our Dana stay," Niyah said, "We will donate as promised next collection, as is on the record. I promise my life on it. With no more food taken than we did before, it will be as if nothing happened. Your men will go on living as will mine."

I heard a delicate click. Was it the click of a trigger or something else. I wasn't sure. Heavy boots continued to rock below. Each sudden sound stopped the beat of my chest.

"We will return next harvest for collection," the officer said without feeling, "You may go."

Another pair of feet shuffled across the floor.

"Mother," the girl's voice cried again.

It was quiet above and below. I let out my breath and felt Mat's hand slide off my back. I hadn't noticed he or anyone was else

was here.

The dense boots of the officers stepped back out the door as the door slammed behind them.

"I'm home," Dana continued to weep, "I'm finally home."

"You are," Obi said and exhaled, "A remarkable woman." 

X-Marks: Hiding ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora