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Mel swept over every steep hill of the tangled forest and crushed the weeds below with gaining speed as we raced behind Rafi. I could pull Mel's rope, I could dig my heels, but Mel knew to follow Rafi instead. I could only hold on.

Rafi sneered, with the whites of her teeth in full view, as she rode past and led us to the bottom of a slope. Beneath us, a brook of clear water rushed over lush green moss. Rafi's horse stomped into the puddles at her feet and began to turn back.

"Not yet," Rafi said to her horse and pulled the reign to move her forward again.

The more forest we cleared, the more Rays howls in the distance grew in clarity. But the strength of Ray's cries was weakening. We had to get to her faster.

Rafi changed directions and chased a path encased by rocks and fallen lumber. The trail was much too short and uneven for us to pass on top of our horses.

"Damn," Rafi cursed and dismounted from her white horse.

I followed her lead and stepped down from Mel.

"Do you think we can pass through there?" I said and pointed towards the rocky opening of the moss-covered hill.

"We'll have to try," Rafi said and gripped the rope of her horse with white knuckles.

We stepped into a blacked out cave and led our horses at our side. Tendrils of slick vines wove into my curls and slithered over my cold neck as we passed. Mel's tread paused beside me.

"I know, girl," I whispered to Mel, "I don't want to be in here either."

From the light of the other side of the passage, there were two darkened figures. As we stepped closer, their shapes became clear.

Jessie was a top of the Beleza, Ray's black and white horse. He turned his neck slow to stare us down with his black hat tipped to down to shield his eyes. Only the slight smirk on his stubbled lips could be seen on his tan face.

Ray was tied to Beleza's saddle by thick coils of rope on her wrist and ankles, and a white rag was around her eyes.

"You, coward," Rafi said from ahead and pointed her gun at the pair, "Let her go, and we end this right now."

Jessie grinned and pulled out his own gun from a leather holster on his hip.

"We haven't even started," he said and pulled the trigger.

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