Chapter Three: Now We Have Matching Tattoos.

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She nodded, waved to my father and almost ran to the car. I started to drag my feet towards the door when dad called me.

"Rosie, wait." I turned and looked at him with a betrayed look.

"Now, now. Don't look at me like that. Even you weren't able to resist her eyes and you know much better than I do." He laughed.

"You're my father. You're supposed to be stronger." I moaned out, knowing that he was right.

"I just wanted to tell you that your mom had a tattoo too. You probably don't remember it but it was near her shoulder blades." He said knowing that I'd love anything that could possibly connect me to my mother. I gave him a begrudging him, kissed his cheek and muttered a small thank you before walking away.

Kiara started driving as soon as I got in the car and got us to the mall in record time.

"Jesus, Kiara! What's the rush?" I hit my head against the glass of the window as she parked quickly in the parking lot.

"We can't miss the appointment, Rosie." She muttered, distracted. I glowered in her direction before looking for any trace of Dawn. Then it clicked. "I don't have an appointment." I danced internally, relieved.

"Ha! I made your appointment when I made mine. I am not doing this alone, missy." She looked haughty.

"This is so not my day." I just knew Dawn was going to get even more freaked out when we tell her that I am going to get one too. And, as usual, I was right. She looked ready to murder us. And that was before Kiara mentioned that she made an appointment for her too. I couldn't honestly even bring myself to try to understand just what in the world was she thinking.

Huh, I'd never seen Dawn's face reach this shade of red before.

All credit to Kiara.

We reached the shop just before the appointment time. They led us to our chairs and gave us a booklet to choose from. Kiara just had to choose a design and a font for the phrase we had already picked out for her. I, on the other hand, had to start from the scratch. I searched and searched but couldn't find anything. Just as I was about to give up, a phrase caught my eye. I instantly liked it and quickly picked out the font and the location.

We went to our respective booths. I wasn't ashamed to admit that I had my eyes clenched shut the entire time and I may or may not have shed a tear or two or possibly more during it all.

But the final product was beautiful. There was no other word for it. I had it in the same place dad told me that mom did. The only difference was that it represented me, what I believed in.

I requested the person to wait a bit before covering it up so that I could show it to Dawn and Kiara. As I stepped out of the booth, I got the surprise of my life when I saw Jason standing there with Trent and Mason, inspecting Kiara's tattoo on her forearm.

She had the words 'Per Aspera Ad Astra' engraved with little stars surrounding it like pixie dust. It meant 'To the stars through the difficulties'. It looked really pretty.

I reached closer and I could hear the little argument going on between the brother-sister duo.

"You just came here to see me cry, didn't you?" Kiara huffed while shooting Jason an irritated look.

"Of course not, little sis. I came here to laugh at you when you cry. Unfortunately it looks I was a little late." Jason replied, humor dancing in his eyes. It struck me just how similar they actually were in nature.

"Piss off." Her anger was starting to show.

"Notch it down, will ya. Aha, looks like the midget got one too. Care to show it." It didn't even realize when Jason noticed me, standing there like an idiot.

"I- Of course." I muttered before turning around and showing it to them. I had the words 'Luceat Lux Vestra' inked in a curved line next to a sun. It meant 'Let your light shine'.

"Oh my god, Rose, it looks so fucking beautiful." Kiara gingerly touched the words before stepping back. Even Dawn looked appreciative. My eyes automatically reached Jason's face, anticipating his reaction.

He was frozen, his eyes glued to the spot where my shoulder blade had been just a few seconds ago. Did he not like it?

Before I could ask him, Kiara nudged her brother, "Looks like your favorite sentence in the whole effing world just got stolen, eh?"

Wait, what?

This was his favorite sentence? I didn't know that. I started blushing. Again. It was my default reaction whenever Jason was around, really.

Jason just looked at me and lifted his sleeve enough to show the exact same letters embedded in his skin too. They were just on the beginning of his forearm. How did I not notice that before?

Probably because you were too busy ogling his muscles. My brain scolded.

"Nice choice." He smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

We now had matching tattoos. Who would've thought?

Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

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