"Um..." I struggle to find words. "Hi? I say as a question, and then idiotically say, "question mark." Which dumbass actually says the punctuation mark at the end of an sentence.

Oh, right.


I'm the dumbass.

Jungkook chuckles and I smile, a bit for proud of myself that I could get that reaction. "Hi to you too." He smiles and I can see, it's not that adorable bunny grin, but it's close enough.

There is a slight pause as we go back to awkward mode. The tension that was released for a second, back again, hanging heavy in the air.

"Listen, Cal...I—" Jungkook turns to me to speak, a serious look on his face to match his tone, but he gets cut off by Suga's shouts.

"Your two!" He shouts, speaking to Jungkook and I. "Get over here and help us! I want to finish quick and take a nap."

Jungkook and I share a quick glance before looking back at Suga and walking over to him.

"Do what?" I question as I enter the living room/kitchen.

That's when I notice the boys and what they're doing. That's also when I discover what was in the bags. The boys where all around with colourful party decorations in their hands, putting it up on the walls and overall making my plain grey coloured wall look like a rainbow.

That's when I realized what they're putting up the decorations for.

"It's Mavens birthday!" I gasp.

"How could you forget?" Jimin draps his arm over my shoulder.

"I was...I was a bit distracted by something else." I take a nervous glance at Jungkook as I say that.

Jimin seems to notice and a sly smirk appears on his lips. "Oh, I see. That's why Kookie came back home so late."

"Huh?" I say a clueless child.

"Was he good?" Jimin asks, a bit of a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Still, I scrunch my eyebrows together, a clueless child.

Jungkook suddenly pushes Jimin say form me so his arm is no longer on my shoulder. "Hyung!" He hisses, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Jimin laughs. "It's okay, Kookie. I was just asking Cal about..." Jimin looks Jungkook up and down, checking him out, "...your size."

And that's when I understand.

Not only is Jungkook's face slightly tinted with blush, but now my face is too. I want to tell Jimin that's not what happened at all, but I feel like that will only embarrass myself more. I think Jungkook thinks the same because he doesn't a word, just shoots daggers at Jimin by glaring at him while Jimin cautiously walk across the room, shyly and cutely hiding behind a completely confused Namjoon.

"Well," Jin comes up to me with a bunch of streamers all over his arms, "I hope you don't mind but we decided to throw the party at your place because ours is a mess." Jin turns away from me to glare at V, Jimin—who is already being glared at by Jungkook—and Jungkook, who takes a brake from glaring at Jimin to see Jin glaring at him. And for some reason, V starts glaring at a chair.

So in all there is basically a lot of glaring. Though I'm not sure why Taehyung is glaring at a chair.

Poor chair.

"That's fine," I tell Jin.

He smiles at me in return.

I smile back. "What did you guys get Maven?"

Jin freeze I'm his spot and all the BTS boys stop everything they're doing. All of them freeze like Jin in their positions and turn their heads to look at me with their meme faces. From their expression I can clearly tell what they're thinking. "Oh shit" is exactly what their expression says.

I throw my head back and laugh. "Really?! I'm the one that forgot his birthday yet I was prepared. I got his present in advance."

Taehyung throws his arms up in the air in frustration and looks at Jin. "Hyung! You were supposed to get the gift!"

"I was too busy buying the cake and decorations! I told Namjoon to get it!" Jin defends.

Everyone looks at RM.

"Don't look at me! I told J-hope to get it!" RM argues back.

"What?! You told me to tell Jimin to get it!" J-hope points at Jimin.

"No! I saw you tell Taehyung!" Jimin retorts.

"No! No one told me anything! I thought Jin was getting it!" Taehyung shouts.

"Whoa! Guys, chill." I try and calm them down. "How about this, just go and buy the gift."

There are a few mumbles of agreement from the boys.

"When is Maven coming?" I turn to Jin.

"In 3 hours," he replies.

"Perfect! Two of you guys can go and buy a gift while the others set up." I clasp my hands together.

The rest of them nod their heads.

"So whose going? I'm not." Suga lays down on the couch, going to sleep.

Everyone looks at each other. Then all the BTS boys shout out at once. All but one of them.


"Cal and Jungkook!" They shout.

"Cal and Jungkook!" They shout

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Chapter Thirty-One of:

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