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My fingers fly across the keyboard and I type away my thoughts like a rainbow of imagination. It flows endlessly, flooding my head with ideas to the point where it can not be contained. I release it by writing. I write all the happy ending, I writing all the struggles and hardships, I write a world of fantasy.

Sure it's sounds pretty cheesy but hey, it's the truth.

I write to release all the colourful ideas I have in my head, and that is mainly why I can't write a story. Mid way I would probably drop the story for another story idea that pops in my head. That's mainly why I have a bunch of story drafts on my Whatpad account. So many ideas.

I feel a figure behind me, leaning against the back of the chair with one arm over my shoulder and the other supporting on the ba k of the chair as the figure leans forward and peeks at what I have writing on my laptop. I stop typing to look at the figure and am not surprised when I see it's him. His face is close to mine, really close, his head is right next to mine. I turn my team to look at him to his cheek doesn't brush mine. He turns his head as well and our noses are almost touching.

I can't believe I have only know this guy for about three months and I already have a small crush on him.

Yes, I'm admitting it, but don't get too excited, it's just a crush. It's probably his looks. He hot, no question, so that's probably what makes my heart drum in my chest whenever we're this close. The fact that a super good looking guy is really close to me it's probably it. I still am with Dexter and I still L-word him so there's that. I'm not going to drop him for my small crush when it's really nit even a crush. No big deal.

"What ya' writing?" Jungkook bunny smiles, our faces only inches apart.

"Just some fiction," I say as I turn my head.

Jungkook doesn't seem to like that idea as he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him, holding my chin tenderly, send my sparks wherever his skin meets mine.

It's just a little crush Claypso! Get over it! You have a beautiful boyfriend, Dexter.

"What fiction?" He asks, his big brown eyes staring deeply into mine.

Don't look at me like that. I think my gear will stop beating then.

I turn my head again and go back to typing, ignoring how close we still are. I can't let him know what effect he has one me. "Just a fictional story."

Jungkook finally moves but instead of leaving like I had hoped, he walks around the chair I was sitting at and sits down on another chair next to me, dragging it closer to mine until the two chairs sides are pushed against each other, making kind of like one big seat. He sits down and moves over so now are legs are touching.

This kid will be the death of me! Can he stop with the subtle touches?

He leans forward to look at my laptop screen on the table, one arm on the back of the chair as he makes himself at home in my home.

"Can I read it?" He pries his eye off the screen and looks at me with his head tilted slightly innocently.

I purse my lips, making a thin line. "Um..." I pause, "I'm not really...I'm not really comfortable letting other people read my work, it's a bit embarrassing." I look away and blush furiously.

I feel Jungkook's hand slowly slid over mine on the table and just as I think he might be...making a move, I turn to see a cute little pleading Jungkook. "Please! I want to read what beautiful things my beautiful friend has written."

I giggle and pull my hand away from his, trying to be subtle. "Sorry Jungkook, I'm just not comfortable with it. Don't take it personally, it's not like I show it to everyone as not you. I don't show it to anyone."

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