I take a deep breath once I am outside the gates of the mansion and I check the time. I kept from doing it too often while I was with my parents because I didn't want them to realize I was in a hurry to leave.

It's almost 10 pm and it's going to take me at least 30 minutes to reach P'Arthit's apartment. I only hope he won't be sleeping already, I'd feel bad to wake him up. I won't call or text him because I want to surprise him, although I bet he is actually waiting for me.

As I hop on my motorbike, I catch myself grinning like an idiot. I just met him a few hours ago but I already miss him and I can't wait to see him.

I wonder if he's going to let me kiss him goodnight.

P'Arthit is still awake. He opens the door for me and greets me with a cute smile then walks back inside the room. He is talking on the phone with P'Earth about some paperwork they need to hand in tomorrow. He sits on the bed, holding his MacBook in his lap, while scrolling through a bunch of PowerPoint slides.

I know it's work, and it's important, but I don't like that he is ignoring me. And I know he's probably going to slap my hand away but I nevertheless sit next to him, wrap an arm around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. He still refuses to acknowledge my presence so I lightly blow air in his ear.

"Kongpob!!!" he mouths, finally looking at me, or more like glaring, but hey! at least I caught his attention. Unfortunately, he stands up the very next moment.

I follow him towards the desk and press him lightly against it, leaning in from behind to give him a peck on the nape. He shivers but pushes me away, a second time.

"P'Earth, I think we should wrap it up for tonight. We can add the finishing touches tomorrow at work. You see, I have this clingy puppy with me right now, that just begs for my attention and I have no choice but to indulge him." P'Arthit tells his co-worker and I can hear P'Earth laughing on the other end.

"Kongpob, can't you spare me at least when I'm working?!"he snaps at me, once he hangs up.

I choose to grin in response and dangle a plastic bag in front of his face.

"I brought you some leftover dinner. You gotta try it, it's to die for!"

"I already ate so no, thank you."

"Awww, P'Arthit, come on, just a little bite. I can feed you, if you want." I offer and he stares daggers at me, again.

"By the way, Kongpob ... um ... when do you want to move in?" he asks.

"I think I can do it on Saturday, two weeks from now. How about P'Arthit? Are you free on that day?"

"I think so. Are you sure your parents will be okay with this though?"

I turn my back to him, busying myself with  unpacking the food. I can't really look him in the eyes.

"I ... don't worry about that. They weren't against me moving out of the dorm and next door to you during my internship so they won't say anything this time around, either."

"Yeah but ... it's not like you told them ... the truth, so ..."

His voice is so small, I can barely hear him over the crumpling sound of the plastic bag and I pretend I didn't. 

"Here, P'Arthit. Doesn't it look delicious? Just have a bite." I urge him, as I raise a spoonful of my mother's food to his mouth. He frowns, grabs the spoon out of my hand and finally eats it.

"Oh wow! This ... this is great! Can I have some more?"

"Sure. Let me heat it up for you first. It's gonna taste even better."

Thank God he likes food and gets distracted by it quite easily. I don't want us to have that conversation right now, although I know I am only postponing the inevitable. 

Maybe it's a 'thank you' for bringing him food or for sleeping over, I'm not quite sure which, but P'Arthit lets me kiss him goodnight. And not just once. After a while, I lose count of how many times, too distracted by the sweet taste of his soft lips. He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me in closer, sighs and moans into my mouth when I touch him in all the right places.

We fall asleep face to face, foreheads touching, breaths mingling, fingers intertwined. 

I can't wait to have him all to myself like this, every single night.

»»-------------Bonus Scene-------------««  

Earth keeps chuckling even after she ends the call.

"What was so funny?"

"It's just ... Arthit and his needy puppy."

"Puppy?! I didn't know Arthit had a pet."

"It's not really a pet, though." she replies, laughing at how adorably clueless Tod can be sometimes.

She stands up from her work desk and paces over to the bed, where he is lying on top of the blankets, flipping through a magazine.

"I was talking about Nong Kongpob."

"Oh! I got it. So they're living together now, huh."

"Well, they have been dating for over three years ... It was about time."

"I guess ... Wait! Maybe we should've waited a little bit longer before moving in together, as well." Tod suddenly says, sitting up and putting the book away. "What if ... what if we rushed things and it ... it won't work out for us?"

Earth sighs.

"If it doesn't work out it will probably be because we weren't meant to be more than just friends, after all." she replies, brushing some strands of hair from his eyes.

"You need a haircut. I mean ... I like your curly hair, but it's gotten too long."

"We are going to the mall next weekend anyway so I can have my hair cut while you shop for clothes."

"Sounds like a plan." Earth agrees and cuddles to his side, as he picks the magazine back up.

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