Chapter 1

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AN| Howdy Y'all! This is Audrey Chase.  I just wanted to let y'all know that this book IS copyrighted, and please, don't steal my story.  This took a lot of time and planning to create, and it's not fair to me for you to take it. I accept any cover pictures and you can send them to ! Thank you for reading, and I hope y'all enjoy!|

Bring! Bring! Bring!
"SHUT UP!," I whispered loudly.
I crawled out of under my covers, and walked over to my window, opening thecurtains. I dressed, and slipped my boots on. Tiptoeing through the hallway, I made it to the back door and threw on a jacket.
     Slipping out side, I went about my chores. I feed the dogs, the horses, the cats. I loaded up the wheelbarrow and fed the cattle as well. As I was saying goodbye to Brandy, my horse, I could have sworn I heard something. Spinning around, I peered into the woods that happened to be right behind our house.
     "Hello?," I called. Searching some more, I saw glowing blue eyes, staring directly into mine. Instinctively I crept forward, calling softly," Come here, wolf. Come here".
       As if it could understand me, it trotted forward, letting it's brown fur show. I continued calling it, till it was five feet away. Slowly I reached out, till my hand was at its muzzle. I stroked it softly, not quite sure if it was at ease. As I saw it slowly relax, did I start to rub it's back and stomach, making it lay down and roll over. After seeing it was a boy, I decided to call him Dax.
"Here, Daxy boy, here boy," I called, petting him softly. I pulled a horse treat out of my pocket and offered it to him, knowing my dogs liked them.
He curiously sniffed then, then gently grabbed it in between his teeth. He seemed to enjoy it, as he sat down once it was gone, wagging his tail and whining.
I checked my phone, and saw that it was already 6:30. "Hey boy, I gotta go. See you later?," I rushed out, quickly standing up and rushing to the house. I promised to make my parents breakfast, and then I had to head to school.
Making a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon, and hash browns, I heard my parents stir in their bedroom. I grabbed my keys and called," Bye Mama, bye dad!". Running outside, I hopped into my baby, aka my truck. I quickly pulled out, and headed to school.
This would be my first day here at Lake Worth High, as we just moved here three days ago. My parents and I had moved from Hillwood, where I was born and raised. I look it, too. I am tall, 5'10, and very tan. I'm quite strong and skinny, which is pretty normal for the rodeo side of Hillwood. My startling grey eyes are the only things that make me stand out. I have wondered where I got them, as nobody in either side of my family has them.
I am one of the best at rodeos. My horse wasn't one of those expensive horses that others have, however. My horse is a quarter horse, that I broke in and trained myself. It took a while, but it was well worth it. I was the one who practiced at every free moment, and I made it show. That's how I ended up with 2 cracked ribs. I had been on a bucking bull, and it flung me into a pipe fence. Luckily they are healing, but it still hurts. I have only had them for a couple of weeks, so they are almost done.
Pulling up into the school, I surveyed the area. Is that a track out back? That I will have to check out later.
I hopped out of my truck and pulled on my hat. My hat was a black felt cowboy hat with an eagle feather stuck in the band.
As I walked into the front of the school, I got whistles from the boys and jealous glares from the girls. I heard things ranging from 'I'd tap that' to 'who does she think she is'. My personal favorite,"Jess will put her in her place," was thrown around quite a lot.  Upon hearing that one, I smirked, and continued to head to the office.
As I stepped inside, I saw a nice looking lady with a name tag that read 'Mrs. Shirley'.

Hope y'all liked it, if not tell me, constructive criticism is needed to be successful.


A Country Girl in a Werewolf WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora