Chapter 6

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Walking into the barn, my boots clack on the concrete, quieting once I step on the rubber mats. Curious horses poke their heads out, some whinnying, some snorting, and some just staring. I take out the list of green rodeo horses and scan the names. Pulling out the fresher ones, I tie them up and saddle them.
Once saddled, I lead them out to the arena where I put 5 on the walker. Taking the gelding, Two-Bit, I warm him up. Soon after I begin to go over barrels and poles. He is not the worst horse, but he will test ya.
After he is cooled off and on the walker, I pull out the most green of them all. It's a mare named Elipse. She's a roping horse, I can tell just by her build.
She saddled up fine, but as soon as my ass touched the saddle, she was off.
I held on and got her on tighter rein. She obviously hadn't been ridden in ages. And whoever did ride her had to be pretty fond of her.
While I was lost in thought, she loosened my hold and off I flew. Grunting when my back slammed into the ground, I attempted to stand. Bad idea.
Soon as I got to my knees she lashed out and WHAM. My face was pounded.
But a cowgirl never gives up and I'd be damned if I did. I stood, and hobbled over to her, fishing a treat from my pocket. When I offered it to her, she gently took it, rubbing her face on mine as she lifted her head.
I slowly climbed on, and for once she listened. I walked her out of the arena and to her pen, using one eye as there was blood covering my other one.
Once she was away, I hobbled and dragged myself to the main house, just barely managing to knock on the front door without collapsing.
Mama Jo answered the door, with Cameron just behind her. As soon as I saw him, I collapsed but was saved from the impact by the one and only Cameron.
Mama was frettin over me, but after that, it all went black.
I wake up to the sound of... is that my alarm? I don't remember setting my new one up.... I pry my eyes open, quickly shutting them due to the brightness of the room.
Once my eyes adjust, I scan the room. Bright white wall, machines everywhere, flowers, Cameron sleeping in a chair, curtained wind- wait. Cameron?

(Know it's a bit short, it's gonna get longer, up top is her injury once it's healed)

A Country Girl in a Werewolf WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon