Chapter 4

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Once Cameron had dropped me off at my house, I decide to talk to my parents about applying for the job. I told them the owner is a great guy, in my grade, who has helped me out a lot.
After assuring them he was not like one of those people from my... past, they agreed. He picked up on the second ring.
(C:Cameron T:Tyla)
C: Tyla?
T: Hey Cameron! I am calling to see if the job is still open? If so, how do I apply?
C: it's open, and I just have to ask you a few questions. Are you good on and with horses? Do you know how to move cattle? Fix fence?
T: yes, yes, and yes.
C: one more thing.... what do you think about wolves? There is a ton 'round these parts.
T: oh I love them! One of my favorite animals! This morning I saw a brown one with the gorgeous blue eyes!
C: *chuckles* that's good... you got the job. When can you start?
T: I can move my stuff in tomorrow? I can keep my dogs and horse there right?
C: Of course! Tomorrow works great, hey I gotta go, talk to ya later?
T: Bye
(End of Convo)
Well that's good. Now I just need to start packing.
*Cue Magical Time skip thingy*
Finally, finally, I am finished packing my room! Now, it's just my animals.

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