Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin

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There is no going back now. I step into my tube and I rise up slowly. I look around, the boy from 2 is next to me. He has his eyes fixed on the Cornucopia. All of this looks so tempting, especially the knifes. I know that if I run into the Bloodbath I would die. So I decide to turn around, behind me is a forest with tons of trees. Perfect. For the first time I look around at my competition, and I realize I'm one of the smallest ones. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 74th annual Hunger Games begin!" The countdown begins and I get ready to run away. 10....9.....8....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2....1 The gong sounds.

I run into the woods as fast as I can, I can already hear the sound of people dieing and victory cries. I look around and I can only see only about 2 other people running away from the bloodbath. People these days are so stupid. Then I hear a familiar scream. It's Jason. I have to accept the fact that he's dead, running back and saving him would be stupid. I keep on running, as fast as I can.

Then I see Katniss she's heading straight towards me. All of the sudden we collide. I see a knife in her hands and I know that this is it. I look at her face and she looks just about as shocked and scared as I am. She runs away and I run in a different direction. Hours later the first cannon fires. I count all of them on my fingers, there are 11 cannons. Eleven dead, 12 more to go. A couple hours the faces of the dead appear in the sky

The Girl from 3 is first, the Careers from 1 and 2 made it. Not very surprising. The boy from 4 comes up, that's weird, usually all the Careers live on the first day. Jason came up next, I knew it. I wonder what Ivy is thinking, she probably thought it would be the other way around. Both from 6 and 7, the boy from 8, and both from 9. I'm surprised that the girl from 8 made it, they usually die on the first day because they really don't have an advantage. The last tribute to appear is the girl from 10.

I know I have to keep moving, the Careers usually go out hunting for tributes when it's dark. Leaving the bloodbath gave me the disadvantage of having no clue where they are. I'm not even sure who is on the Career alliance. I keep on running while being careful so that I don't step on sticks. I get to a place where there are rocks, and I see a river up ahead. I get a drink of water from the river and I keep moving. Not too long after I find a small cave. I look inside to make sure there is nothing there. There isn't anything so I slide in. I curl up into a ball and fall asleep.

Tomorrow I'll start spying on other tributes.

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