chapter vi;

223 17 2

Orlando, Florida, USA || September 26, 2017 ||


Asuka, bless her, decided to take the first dibs in their early morning misadventures. Judas Rosario, Adam Cole, Ember Moon, and Asuka had all decided to celebrate Asuka' apparent move to the main roster. By celebrating, it was have Asuka and Judas, two of the strongest stomachs in the group puke their guts out.

"We have the entire day, I think it's best if we just follow the map." Adam Cole snatched the map from the Kingpin's clutches.

Judas simply rolled his eyes at how his friend was acting. Someone was being salty after finding out how War Games would commence.

"But I want to ride the Space Mountain!" The Japanese protested.

Ember and Judas simply watched two contradicting personalities argue at 10 in the morning about what rides to start. Their bantering catching onlookers.

"Shouldn't we stop them, Reese?" Judas whispered leaning closer to his friend. The eyes on everyone bothering him, God knows how everyone would think of this whole set up. "People might start rumors."

"Kayfabe is dead. And I could really care less." Adam piped in making both Ember and Judas roll their eyes.

The increasingly excited cheers of children and parents alike were hyping Judas. Not one misdemeanor of either Adam or the slightly unhinged Asuka could ruin his mood. The cool air of the Florida morning fanning against his skin, his memory of how the last few days of him being in the Philippines had turned into was recalled.

He couldn't help but just smile at the annoying tourist he had to tour all around his hometown. He hated to admit it, but for once, there wasn't any disdain for each other. He wasn't bothered by the man's presence nor was he scared about his dark aura. He was more than he lets out, more than he actually thought he could believe from the man.

A ticket from the USA to the Philippines wasn't cheap, especially a rushed one too. It wasn't cheap and as much as he tried to pay him back, he was just threatened a kick to the face if he doesn't shut up about it. His Uncle, who wasn't much of a fan of either Kenny or Kota seemed really fond of the Dutch wrestler—a small part of him knew it was the accent that captured his heart.


He was brought back to the presence as the thirty-five year old Japanese Empress placed her hands on top of his shoulders. Her eyes determined for whatever reason would be worth his time.

"Me and Cole decided to split up. You choose who you want to go with."

Judas blinked turning towards Adam that wore a victorious smirk on his face. Whatever the two had agreed to do, it always affected him and Ember.

"Why aren't you letting Reese choose first?" he asked.

"Because either way, I'd be happy to get a move on."

He glanced back towards Adam that was practically pleading for the Kingpin to choose him.

"I think I'll go with Adam this time."

Asuka's smile faded and Adam began with his weird happy dance before proclaiming his "Bay Bay" catchphrase for everyone to hear.

"I told you it's going to be Bros before hoes."

Judas didn't need to look at either of the girls to know their eyes were blazing from Adam's less than appealing name for them. Before Judas could stop it, Asuka hopped onto the Panama-native's back wrapping her arms around the man's head in a sleeper hold while Ember proceeded to lock his left arm into an armlock.

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