chapter iii;

241 17 16

Orlando, Florida, USA || September 13, 2017 ||


As time goes by, Jose Crisostomo Rosario or most notably known as Judas Rosario, is beginning to regret the friendship he shared with the Panama Playboy. The man was dead-set on knowing what actually transpired between him, Kenny, and even Ibushi that he had made himself the designated driver for half of the trip to their hotel in Atlanta.

They could have booked a flight, but Adam was so insistent on finding out what happened and a car ride was a sure way to have him all to himself without anyone's prying or eavesdropping.

The night had been brutal to him. After his little talk with Aleister Black, he had made his first debut match against Tucker Knight winning after a diversion tactic the Undisputed Era had made, but only for Aleister to return back to the ring and return a favor kicking him right in the jaw in the process.

To say his jaw was acting a little stiff was an understatement. With a cold compress still resting on his jaws as he watched his friend beaming on the driver side of the rental car.

"What are you waiting for, Butterfinger? Let's go."

Yes. He truly regrets being friends with the man.

"Adam, you're being ridiculous." Judas muttered under his breath slipping inside the car besides his friend. A cup of coffee shoved to his chest.

"More like someone wanting to know what the fuck is going on. Having Styles and Fale on my ass about what's going on with you and Kenny isn't my cup of tea and you know it."

The idea of the older members of the Bullet Club intervening worried him. No one knew what exactly was going on besides Cole and the Bucks, it was already hard for him to even think about.

"I finally broke it off with Kenny." Judas finally announced. It was weird to finally tell someone what was going on. It was weird to finally say what was going on with him and the relationship that ended so miserably on his part. "It was bound to happen. We were just too in love with someone else."

"And that someone else is Ibushi?"

He fell silent. Was he that easy to read? The internal conflict he was trying so hard to hide was easily seen—and understood by those around him?

"Yeah." Taking a sip of his coffee as the car finally hummed to life.

Six hours on the road and for once he wasn't actually dreading it as he had first thought he would. Adam's questions weren't as nosy as he first thought he would. He was just a man worried about his two friends. His eyes turning to the darkening skies, the lack of stars once again giving him comfort.

"Did you even love Kenny?"

Did he? It's been a week but the question was still pounded into his skull. He wouldn't waste a year if he didn't love him. He wouldn't waste so much time and effort to see the Canadian smile if he didn't. But at the same time, he knew he would leave him behind if the time ever came that Kota chose him. Did he love him? Maybe not.

"I did." I don't know.

"Did? Not do. And don't tell me you're crappy in English because it ain't you first language. We both know you're more fluid in English than me sometimes."

"It just...disappeared." Judas was lost for words not even his mother tongue could properly explain it.

For years, all his time was preoccupied on a man that promised him his heart. Years of waiting for him to actually call him and tell him, he means anything at all. But it never came. It never did, and Kenny came along. The man that faced the same woes he did became his support and he became his own. Casual exploration of Japan turned into movies at 2 am and 7/11 midnight snacks. It turned to both of them depending on each other after every show both in Japan and in the States. From sharing a hotel room to almost planning on moving in together. He truly moved on for a moment because of it, but then he returned and all hell just broke loose.

Unholy Alliance [ALEISTER BLACK]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt