chapter iv;

256 17 5

Orlando, Florida, USA || September 20, 2017 ||


Judas followed his tag team partner's gaze. Aleister Black was in a foul mood. No one even dared look at the Dutch wrestler as he continued stretching in the corner. It was unfortunate for the Kingpin to know he and Adam Cole would be competing against the man and Kassius Ohno.

"I wouldn't want to be in that man's way later on tonight." Adam continued making Judas roll his eyes and Ember slap the back of the Panama Playboy's head. "Reese you're pushing it."

"Stop being a dick, Jenkins." Ember admonished turning her gaze towards the still quiet Judas. "Don't worry about it, heard one of his pets got out of the house and hasn't return since."

"Must be a snake. Probably a demon." Judas said off-handedly and practically jumped from where he stood at the sight of the man glaring daggers at him.

Before he could shit on his pants, Ember slapped him at the back of his head as well. There isn't much anyone could do whenever Ember was with them two. One way or another, the Wrestling Goddess would take it upon herself to be the mother straightening them both up.

"Play nice, you two." She reminded and like any child, both Adam and Judas pouted but nodding nonetheless. "We still have a dinner to think about. Neither me or Britt want to tend to either of you at the end of the night."

A sheepish smile was on Adam's face, for the first time in what felt like weeks, he was going to see his girlfriend. Judas was happy for his friend, but it only made it hard for him, knowing he didn't have that kind of connection with anyone—not anymore at least. Kenny was back in the group chats and everything seems to be normal, besides the lack of direct talking from either him or Kenny.

"How is Negan doing?" Ember asked trying to change the subject seeing the longing in the Kingpin's eyes.

Adam scoffed, of all the names Judas Rosario could think about naming his stray feline, he just had to choose the same villain from a show he didn't even enjoy.

"Still not getting why you need to name your cat after a bat shit crazy villain."

A wide grin now played on the Kingpin's face and Adam realized what was about to come.

"Well you know, the character from TWD is bat shit crazy, but Negan is—"

"Don't say it, Butterfingers. I swear to God."

"Cat-shit crazy."

"Oh God, Jojo for my sake. Never do that again. Ever."

"I thought it was funny."

Everyone's attention turned to owner of the voice. Kassius Ohno, beaming big in front of the frowning Adam. Patting Judas on the back and giving Ember a side hug earning a light blush from the Goddess.

"Seriously change the name."

Adam could be dense sometimes. Judas' eyes were still on Ember, with her eyes glued to the Ohio-native amused with Adam's childishness.

"If you three could think of a better name, I'll change it."

"Already handled." Kassius grinned calling for Aleister. The Ominous Dutch making his way towards them. Every step made the Kingpin's knees weak. Was he scared or something else completely. "Any cat name suggestion?" he asked his friend and tag team partner for tonight.

"Gender and breed?" His tone was clipped, eyes looking straight at him.

"He's a boy and I think he's a Persian cat."

Unholy Alliance [ALEISTER BLACK]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant