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This is a Same-sex relationship-themed story [pref: Aleister x OC / Kota x OC / Kenny x OC / Kenny x Kota]. If you are not a fan of this types of story; get out. This isn't a story for you and I'd hate being a bitch to you for questioning why this story is the way it is.

Expect a lot of rather religious and satanic reference throughout the story. I don't mean to offend anyone in regard to their chosen religion. It's all just part of the story, and I didn't wish to offend or belittle anyone's beliefs.

Also, I do not own Aleister Black. Kenny Omega. Kota Ibushi. And the rest of the characters mentions in the story. I do not own NXT, NJPW, and ROH. I only own my OC [Judas Rosario] and the very plot of this story.

Unholy Alliance [ALEISTER BLACK]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant