"Kara, you and I, we aren't good friends. I haven't known you for years on end and have just recently come back into town to rekindle our friendship. But I do know Barry. And even though I can't speak for him, I know he's really heartbroken about this, and would do anything to get you back."

Kara sniffed. "Yeah, I hope you're right."

"Come on," Caitlin held out her hand, "you get dressed, and then we'll walk down there together, alright?"

Kara nodded, moving her restless legs off the chair and taking her friend's hand. If there was one thing on her agenda today, it was to get Barry back.


Caitlin and Kara walked down to Noonan's and ordered Kara and Barry's favorite drinks. Kara gestured for the doctor to view from afar, finding her seat and waiting on her coffee.

Eight fifteen rolled by and the flash of lightning by the front doors told her where he was. It was exciting to know he cared enough about her to come early. She sat there for just a few more minutes before she began to worry.

He wasn't coming in. What if he was hurt, or needed Supergirl's help with evildoers. She felt as if she couldn't control her feet from stepping forward, inching to the door. Her head turned to the left, which was the direction his streak had zipped to. With every step she could feel her heart beating faster, alongside an emotion she couldn't quite pinpoint.

Her fingers gripped the metal door handle, slowly pushing it open to see if he was there. Her legs continued to pull her to the side of the building, but she knew there was only an alley there. She happened to frequent that alley.

Curiously, she turned the corner into the often abandoned alley, only to find it filled with roses and one tall, lanky brunette. He had Blaine, Kurt, and Cisco ordered up several feet behind him and he smiled so wide.

"Kara," he grinned. "I can't believe you're here."

"How dare you doubt in me," she stepped closer, feeling the need to cry at the very sight of him.

Barry watched as Caitlin rounded the corner and paused. It was as if even she knew what was about to happen.

"I still love you with all of my heart," he took her shoulder and allowed his hand to slide down her arm to her hand. "I like your pants by the way. Red has always looked good on you."

Kara glanced down to her legs. The were draped in red, boot cut pants. She crinkled her nose in embarrassment, "so do you."

"That reminds me," he scowled playfully, "how dare you end it with the Flash? I thought he was your favorite."

"Barry, I don't love you because you're the Flash; I love you in spite of it." She squeezed his hand.

"I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you," she sang.
"I don't need you to search for the proof that I should
You don't have to convince me
You don't have to be scared you're not enough
'Cause what we've got going is good

"I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken
I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget
Clear the slate and start over
Try to quiet the noises in your head
We can't compete with all that"

Barry's smile somehow got wider, he knew the song.

"So what if it's us?
What if it's us
And only us," she continued,
"And what came before won't count anymore or matter?
Can we try that?
What if it's you
And what if it's me
And what if that's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away?
What do you say?"

"I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me," he sang the other part.

"Well," she laughed.

"So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go
But if you really see me
If you like me for me and nothing else
Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know

"So it can be us
It can be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore or matter
We can try that."

"It's not so impossible," she harmonized with him.

"Nobody else but the two of us here," Barry sang out louder.

"'Cause you're saying it's possible,"
they sang together.

"We can just watch the whole world disappear," she closed her eyes.

"'Til you're the only one
I still know how to see," they tightly gripped the others hands.

"It's just you and me," he opened his eyes to the gentler tune.

"It'll be us, It'll be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore," she belted out the last syllable.

"We can try that," he joined in as they fell to their knees, covering their calves in bits of pavement,
"You and me
That's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away
And the rest of the world falls away
The world falls away
The world falls away
And it's only us."

As her eyes opened she took note of the ring box in Barry's hands. She quickly moved the hair from her eyes.

"What do you say," he opened the box, "take two?"

"You know what," she nodded her head, "let's do this."

He took the ring and slid it onto her finger and quickly pressed his lips onto her in a passionate kiss. She pressed back and grabbed his head.

"Oh," Blaine winced, "this is happening. Let's just..."

"Yeah let's," Cisco cringed.

"Wow, what's that over there," Kurt pointed aimlessly.

"I was just going to tell them that Clock King and Puckerman were caught by the Green Arrow," Caitlin mumbled.

"Oh, good for him," Cisco walked beside Caitlin.

"You know," Blaine shrugged in Caitlin's direction, as they walked into the coffee house, "he was going to have us sing for them."

"That's too bad."

As they were walking away, in the alley, Kara and Barry stopped kissing.

"I have an idea," Kara said. "Now it could be good, and it could be bad, but I like it."

"Well let's hear it," Barry played with her ring.

"What if we got married?"

"Baby, I hate to break it to you, but I already had that idea."

"No, no," she waved dismissively, "I mean like right now."

"Like now, now," he pointed his finger at the ground they were sitting on.

"Yes," she nodded with a glimmer in her eyes. "Barry Allen I have loved you for a long time now, and I don't want to spend another second unmarried to you, now let's elope!"

"Welp, if my future wife says so, we'd netter do it," he scrambled to his feet and helped her get up. "I hold no objection!"

"Then it's settled," she jumped up, "let's get married!"

Barry smiled at her. There was no obstacle that could keep them apart. The only thing left was each other, and that was a good thing. Whatever would come next, they weren't prepared, but they wouldn't run away.



Only Us: Dear Evan Hansen

A/N The end. Are you happy now? Yay, they got back together, and are going to elope? Who knows what will happen in the sequel. By the way, I'm going to make a sequel. Married Superflash, doesn't that sound fun?

Peace out!

What Have I Become? A Flash/Glee Fanfiction Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu