I Plead Innocent

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  A few hours later, Barry found himself looking through a one way mirror at the former teenage trouble maker. He was a completely different from what he remembered. He had a shaved head and, as it turned out, owned a successful casino in Star City. He sat there concerned, a look that Barry was not all too familiar with on that guy's face.

  "It wasn't me," he pleaded. "I would never kill anyone. I was just there at the movie because my girlfriend made me. Isn't there someone I can talk to about this?"

  "Give it a rest," Joe told him. "We know about your run in with him. He hurt you so you think that he should pay for it? That's not the way life works."

  "It wasn't me," he persisted.

  Joe marched out of the room, allowing the door to close behind him. He kept his eyes on this Noah kid and spoke to Barry. "I can't break him. He's too insistent. Maybe one of you can get through to him," he looked at Barry.

  "Oh, no no no no no no no," Barry shook his head and hands. "I have a history with him. Not to mention, I am not trained in interrogation."

  "Step one: ask them questions until they slip. End of steps," Joe teased Barry.

  "If that's all you managed to grasp from the corse, then I must be overestimating your abilities," the captain looked at Joe. "Just tell him the science behind how it must be him, and maybe he'll figure that there's no way out of it. Either way he probably doesn't remember you."

  Barry hung his head as entering, "probably not," he uttered to himself. The door closed behind him and the both of them had their head down. "Are you someone who's going to get me out of here," he asked, lifting his head from his cuffed hands.

  On the other side of the glass, Joe and Singh turned their backs, in a heated discussion about how Joe is still the best detective in Central City.

  "No," Barry didn't look up. "I'm here to tell you why you're here, Puck."

  Puck sighed. "I have not heard that name in a long time. Who are you?"

  Barry slowly lifted his head, and turned to him. Puck's eyes filled with hate. He gathered the words he needed to say, "You did this. You framed me, Smythe."

  "No, Puck, you did this to yourself. You fought the guy, you were there at the cinema. Not to mention, you recently purchased the same model gun that shot h-" Barry was cut off by Puck's hands tightly over his throat. He began slapping the metal table, trying to get the attention of the two bickering cops, before blacking out.

  Joe rushed in separating the two and restraining the violent one. "Here," Captain Singh held his hands out to take Puck. "I got him, you help Allen." Joe nodded his head and gave the enraged man to his superior.

  "Barry?," he gently slapped the young man's face. "Barry! Well, great. At least he has a pulse." Joe stood up to the aggressor and said in a stern voice, "You just messed with the wrong family."


  "Please, Miss Grant," Kara begged.

  "No. And that's final. If you want to stay in central city, then you're going to have to wait another month, when you have vacation days," Cat was packing up the little complimentary shampoo and conditioner bottles in the five star hotel, that she called a "hovel".

  Kara gave it a long thought before opening her mouth. Could she pull this string? Or was it too risky? Either way she was going to try. "What if I could give you an interview with the one person that you've been trying for months to interview?"

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