The Calm After The Storm

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  Clock King's liar was dimly lit, the synchronized ticking of several clocks filling the otherwise silent room. The light clicking of his keyboard also covered the irritating lack of noise. He looked down at his now beeping watch. He turned to the entrance to find his hooded colleague to be walking up to it.

  "Good to see you've found a way to be more punctual," he commented.

  "Good to see you're still lacking compassion," he pulled down on his hood. The light from the computer screen illuminated his face, to reveal none other than Blaine Anderson.

  "The friend you called," Talkman sneered, "I need you to call him again."

  "He said he didn't want to work with you," Blaine crossed his arms. "He did his part and now all he wants is whatever it was you were going to give him."

  "He didn't finish. His job was to kill The Flash, and yet I can still see him in all traffic cameras. He was late. I do not take well with those of whom I work with who do not listen. He can think of it as a blessing for me to give him a second chance."

  "Yeah, well I doubt he is the first person who tried killing him. Why do you want him dead so badly anyway?"

  "I don't. I want The Arrow dead, The Flash is just a companion who will protect him no matter where he is. As long as we kill Mr. Allen, nobody will be able to come to that vigilante's rescue."

  Blaine shook his head. "Fine, I'll call him. But you need to keep your promise."

  "Don't worry," an evil smile covered the man's face. "Your spouse will remain unharmed."


  Barry sat alone in Jitters. Hopefully no one recognized him. In his mind he didn't have a very memorable face, but it had been all over the news for the past forty-eight hours. He was going to be able to go back to work today, which was something he was thoroughly lookin forward to. To his surprise, nobody had gone up to him. It wasn't too big a deal for a madman with a sword to come in and attack. With all of the meta-humans running about, it was kind of nice to see someone physically harm without powers.

  He took a sip of the Flash he had ordered. Perhaps he would finally have a normal day for once. You know, 'the calm after the storm'. Is that the phrase? Either way, that is what he was thinking.

  He turned his head to the television hanging high on the ceiling. " seems National City's hero is back," the announcer concluded. It was cut to a commercial break and Barry smiled to himself. He had a girlfriend who was back in her city, stopping crime just like they do. Just hearing that word in his head seemed unreal. Was he really with someone? She had left not long after Blaine and Kurt did that morning. All he had to worry about now was Clock King, wherever he was.

  After Oliver went home, they decided it would be best to keep control of their own cities. If either of the two teams had evidence of Clock King's whereabouts, they would contact one another.

  Somehow doing her job for once, iris was stopped by a Latina. The woman smiled brightly at iris, and showed her a map. "Hi, I could really use some help getting directions," the Latina seemed frustrated.

  "Sure," iris nodded her head with understanding. This was something that happened to her at least once a week. "Where are you trying to get?"

  "The police department," she answered hesitantly. "I- I just got my purse taken from me outside and I should probably report it."

  "Oh, are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I came from Ohio. I'm much tougher than this gorgeous body lets on."

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