Let's Do It

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It was the next day. Caitlin had been pacing around Kara's apartment for about an hour. It was six a.m. She chewed her lip, praying she wouldn't bite it off, wearing Kara's surprisingly perfectly fitting pajamas.

  What had she done?

  Those words had burnt a hole through her brain, leaving a vivid message, constantly in the back of her head. Her bare feet were gently carrying her back and forth throughout Kara's dining area, allowing crumbs to stick to them. Her fingers twitched at her sides with every noise that echoed in the apartment, every one of them being her.

  This was by far the worst decision she'd ever made, and that was counting when she yelled at Lexie Laroche for stamping the life out of a spider. But this time it was okay. She wouldn't grab her jacket and find the pockets filled with chewed gum this time.

  She would find a way to fix this mistake.

  She would fix it in a way that could end up with Kara and Barry thanking her for making the mistake. But to get Cisco to forgive her would be a different story. How can she get Cisco to thank her for stealing one of his inventions from him?

  As she held the small device in her fingers, she heard movement behind her. She turned to Kara, not bothering to hide the vocal manipulator.

  "What's that," Kara asked tiredly.

  "A mistake," Caitlin mumbled.


  Barry was excitedly rooting through all his clothes, letting Cisco provide a live commentary.

  "How about this one," Barry held up a Jean jacket.

  "Depends," Cisco squinted. "Are you going on a date to Walmart?"

  "It's not a date," he rolled his eyes. "She just wants to... I don't know, meet up." Barry's face scrunched up momentarily out of embarrassment.

"Barry, are you... stricken by love?"

"Well I did propose, so I should hope so."

Cisco looked at him with hesitation. "Look, no matter what happens, you are the Flash and no girl is going to change that."

"I know," he shrugged, "but she's Supergirl. And every time I just think about her, my heart just kind of melts, and the only thing I want to do is be with her. You know?"

Cisco nodded, looking at the ground as Barry left to change, "Yeah, I do."


"You called Barry with a thing that can make your voice sound like mine," Kara shouted.

"Mhm," Caitlin chewed at her thumb, which was currently missing the white of it's nail.

"And you told him- no, excuse me,  I told him, that I wanted to meet with him," she clenched her teeth.

"Yes," Caitlin's voice got really small.

Kara let out a clamorous sigh. She rubbed her fingers in her scalp and heaved herself at her wooden table. "How did you know," she grimaced.

"How- how did I know what," she took her finger away from her teeth and stepped forward a few paces.

"That I wanted to see him," the Kryptonian placed her forehead on the table and folded her hands over it.

Catlin looked at the broken figure in front of her, giving her a sad smile. "I hate to break it to you, but you weren't very subtle."

"Oh, Rao," Kara rubbed her hands down her face. "I just, I don't think I'm ready... to see him."

What Have I Become? A Flash/Glee Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now