intro part 2

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        I've grown up thinking boys never found me attractive in the god foresaken town of Kalispell, Montana. I got bullied by the popular girls and even boys who never talked to a girl didn't even pay attention to me. Thankfully towards the end of my freshman year of high school my dad uprooted my family and moved us to Scottsdale, Arizona and boys actually paid interest in me! It was crazy to have male attention but I realized that all those cliche moments i dreamt about when I never got attention turned out to be something I didn't like at all.

        I wanted something unique and crazy like my personality. Sadly though a year later after spending my sophmore year in Arizona my family moved to Orlando, Florida so my dad can have his dream job of being a pilot take off. Trust me no pun inteded there. After two years I surprsingly got male attention like i never did in Montana but I never paid attention to them because they were so cliche. That is until Christmas break....

        I'm getting ahead of myself here. Ya'll don't even know my name yet! I'm Victoria. My grgandparents are only alloud to call me Vikki and ocasionaly my mom too, and its suppose to be a great honor to be called Vikki despite how vatrosious it sounds. Apparently I'm named after a book character that my mom loved when she first read it. I've read the thing and honestly the girl is a cry baby who needs to take responsibily for her actions. It's called the Language Of Flowers if any of you have read it. Then Vikki because of the very sweet lady who was my mom's Sunday school teacher when she was little. Sadly though she got some form of cancered and well. Yeah you know.

        I'm tall but not too tall, I have long brown hair like my mother and just like her it only gets curly on the under layer. I have hazel eyes like my father, thank God, I would hate to have to tell you about my boring features. I have a very rair ski jump nose and thank my mother for this a naturally tan olive like skin tone. So I tan pretty nicely I might say.

        As I was saying it wasn't until Christmas break when this town gets littered with tourist for the holidays that I met him. Honestly as cliche as this might sound but I think it was love at first sight....

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