Sing for Your Life

Start from the beginning

I was about to answer when I heard my name being called on the overhead. It was time for me to wait in the wings.


As I watched Suzie perform, the butterflies in my stomach almost made me fall to the floor. Annie had gone off after wishing me good luck to watch from the other side. I could see her from where I was, nodding her head to the music. I could a blonde boy beside her, smiling at her, and clearly oblivious to the stage. All he saw was a redhead; I was sure of it.

"They make a cute couple, eh?"

I spun around to see Zayn leaning against the wall opposite me, and I smiled, "Yeah they do. I'd never thought I'd see the day where someone loved Annie's food more than I did....As cheesy as it sounds I'm happy to see them all giggly and glad around each other."

"That's how I feel about you and Liam."


"I'm happy for you too. I know you had been gonig through a rough time with that idoit playdough guy, and I know Liam had it rough too. That whole Danielle thing really got to him. Don't get me wrong, I like Danielle, she's lovely and we all still like her, but it just wasn't working and I could see he was hurting. It had been going on for a while. Then after they split up and you came into the picture he felt terrible about moving on so fast. He was scared that it wasn't fair to her, or you for that matter. Anyway, I'm just happy that he's smiling again."

"Zayn," I smiled, showing my thanks, "You know if any of your fans heard you say that you can bet that Ziam would never die. It would be a trend for all time!"

He laughed so loud at that, that Harry, Louis, and Liam all gave him weird looks when they came over.

"Right...Well, we just came by to wish you lucky, love," Louis smiled at me, and gave me a hug, "Knock em dead alright? You'll be bloddy incredible!"

As he moved away Harry took his place and hugged me, saying, "Just sing your heart out, alright Mell Bells? It's going to be fantastic."

Zayn, Louis, and Harry all dashed away to join Annie and Niall, but Liam stayed with me. He slipped one hand into my own, and stoke my face with his other. His big brown eyes smiled down at me.

"You look absolutely beautiful," he breathed.

"Thanks. I owe it all to a redhead," I giggled up to him.

Then suzie had finished her song. I was deafened by the cheers and screams. Once again, there was not going to be an empty seat. It was a full house, full of judges. It wasn't just the panel I had to worry about, it was all those cheers and screams. The ones that easily be silent, or even boo. Not to mention the number hidden in the camera, that could brush me off with a press of a button. I shivered and clutched onto Liam. My breathing started to pick up and I whipped around to look up at him with my eyes wide.

"I can't do this! I - I - I can't!" I gasped, as the host gave out Suszie's voting number. It was almost comerical break, where I would be pulled out onto the stage, alone.

"Yes you can Mell, don't doubt yourself."

I just shook my head, and trembled. Liam grabbed me and forced me to look at him. He wasn't the goofy boy that I fell into a pool with last night, all the joking in his eyes left. Instead, there was a boy that looked as serious as he did when he was auditioning for the XFactor two years ago. The same look of passion filled his face, as it did when he talked about his dream on the show. I remember, I was glued to the screen while watching the clips on youtube. This boy, he shared the same dream as I did, he wasn't going to suger coat it - not when this much passion was pulsing through him.

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