
741 29 6

2 years ago

I like someone I don't know.

She's the type who is popular, but seems to be not too much.

They're "lowkey".

All the known kids know her and acknowledge her but she don't act like them.

It's strange.

I can't tell much about her personality or what she likes or what's going on in her life but all I can tell is she's currently a year older than me taking she same Math as I.

Was she clumsy last year? Something happen? Or just didn't care.

It's stupid that i'm even thinking about this, she has never known me.

Something makes me feel attracted to her.

Is it cause i'm in love with her looks?- I mean she's pretty average.

Lonely?- My last significant other was 2 years ago.

Or am I just in love with the idea of being in love with someone?

This kind of thing just fucks me up cause I know it'll never happen as we have no bonds.

It's just the idea of meeting someone new and joining their world.

Their ideas, their thoughts, their stories, their experiences.

It pains me at night when I think of how delusional I am as now she gave me a reason to go to school.

No one will love me.

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